101 Dalmatian Street is an animated television series created by Miklos Weigert that aired on Disney Channel in the UK and Ireland from 18 March 2019 to 22 February 2020, and released on Disney+ in Canada and the United States on 28 February 2020. It later aired on Disney XD in the United States from 29 March to 22 November 2021. It is produced by Passion Animation Studios in the United Kingdom and Atomic Cartoons in Canada and features the voices of Josh Brener, Michaela Dietz, Rhashan Stone and Ella Kenion. 101 Dalmatian Street centers around a large family of 99 Dalmatian puppies whose names begin with the letter "D", and their parents, Doug and Delilah, the latter of whom is a great-great granddaughter of Pongo and Perdita. They often leave the eldest siblings, Dylan and Dolly, in charge while they are busy at work. The dalmatians live by themselves at 101 Dalmatian Street, located in Camden Town, London in the 21st century, with no human supervision as their owner Dodie Smith, an eccentric billionaire, left them her house and went to live on an island.
It is loosely based on the 1956 novel The Hundred and One Dalmatians by Dodie Smith and its film franchise. It is the second television series, following 101 Dalmatians: The Series, to be based on the franchise. The series is set almost 60 years after the original 1961 film, 101 Dalmatians, and follows a large family of 101 Dalmatians who live at the title address in Camden Town, London.
A test pilot for the show was produced for the show in 2017, but has never released to the public eye. It is gonna be about Dylan introducing the main characters to the audience. According to images that were presented, something was going to happen in the home of the family that deserved to give Dolly a bubble bath. The pilot was very doubtful to appear in the public light, unless Disney announces something different.
Some of this pilot can be seen in the Annecy Animation Festival Reel in 2018. These scenes feature Dolly riding her skateboard through Trafalgar Square at Christmas time, being chased by the other pups; Dolly bungee jumping from Big Ben, as well as the announcement image of Dylan with the other dalmatians in motion.
Additionally, some storyboards, presumably from the Pilot, have been discovered, which show the Pilot would have also featured Triple D.
Dylan seems much older in this episode and Dolly is very similar to Cadpig (a character from the predecessor series 101 Dalmatians: The Series from 1997).
The animation style is also different compared to the final show, having a more abstract UPA-influenced style.
One of the scenes from the pilot, shown as part of the Annecy Animation Festival Reel in 2018, appears to be when Dylan gets spooked by a spider in "Walkies on the Wild Side". While the animation looks similar, some differences include Dylan having seemingly painted a bandit mask across his eyes, as well as the spider having a different pattern on them. This scene from the pilot did become part of the show's merchandising, however, being featured in both a Dylan figure, and one of "Bound To Bounce" Toys.
According to storyboards for the Pilot, Dolly was originally planned to be called "Daisy", too, whether the name change was made before or after production of the pilot is yet unknown. According to Miklos Weigert, the pilot was a early version of the episode "London, We Have a Problem"
Despite this never being officially released as an episode the scene where Dolly was obligated to take a bath was made into merchandise as the Brush and Bubble Figure Playset. And her collar, like with the entire range, is in the same light blue she wears in the pilot. Albeit being the same type type of three layer collar she wears in the final show; making it a hybrid between the two versions.
In February 2024, a Twitter user by the name of PhrontisteryArt had gotten a copy of the full pilot. Prior to this finding, only a few clips, storyboards and concept art were released to the public eye.
More of its whereabouts (copy and pase the links into the search bar)
Behind The Scenes:
Screenshots https://www.anaismarmonier.com/nouveau-gallery-3/khgto5ietif2m4fonh1ckv298hf6y3
Storyboards https://illustrationagent.com/style/2d-101-dalmatians-storyboard-illustration/
Backgrounds https://antoinebirot.com/101-DALMATIAN-STREET
Anaïs Marmonier https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Qn2mlx