(動物園通り64番地) is a Japanese dub of an American children's animated cartoon television series by An Vrombaut. The dub first aired on BS Asahi, then on Cartoon Network feed during in 2001 and is currently airing on the Japanese feed of Disney Junior. Only 26 episodes have been dub from the first 2 seasons.
UPDATE 2/10/2022 A contributer has recalled it being on Cartoon Network back in 2001 and currently airing on Disney Junior.
Found Episodes[]
Season 1[]
Season 2[]
- Japanese Wikipedia page. Retrieved 2/11/22
- Cartoon Network page (Broken) Retrieved 2/11/22
- Amazon Prime Video page. Retrieved 2/11/22
- Japanese Disney Junior programming guide Retrieved 2/11/22
- Japanese dub clip from Japanese user Retrieved 2/11/22
- Disney Junior Japanese commercial Retrieved 2/11/22
- Two Japanese episodes from VimeoPro Retrieved 2/11/22