A Little Curious is a children's animated series on HBO Family. The show focused on anthropomorphic objects (Bob the Ball, Mop, Mr. String, the Shoe Family, Doris the Door, Little Cup, Plush, Pad, and Pencil) who learn about different concepts such as slippery, sticky, up, down, and more. Each sketch in the show used a different animation style from traditional 2D to CGI. There were also real-life film segments based on the previous animated part involving humans and sometimes animals. 40 episodes were produced from 1999-2000.
In 2016, when the block A Little Curious aired on, Jam, changed its name to "HBO Kids," several episodes from the show’s second season were removed from rotation, including the series finale “A Little Curious About Life". Additionally, a majority of the episodes from Season 1 have not aired since 2004.
List of Episodes[]
Season 1 (1999; Found)[]
- Loud, Soft, Shake (February 1, 1999)
- Light, Dark, Bubble (February 8, 1999)
- Near, Far, Swing (February 15, 1999)
- Slippery, Sticky, Mirror (February 22, 1999)
- Above, Below, Cover (March 1, 1999)
- Back, Side (March 8, 1999)
- Swing, Cover, Shake (March 15, 1999)
- Rough, Smooth, Picture (March 22, 1999)
- Open, Close, Ring (March 29, 1999)
- Bubble, Picture, Mirror (April 5, 1999)
- Thick, Thin, Twist (April 12, 1999)
- First, Last, Step (April 19, 1999)
- Step, Twist, Ring (April 26, 1999)
- Empty, Full, Pop (May 3, 1999)
- Same, Different, Beat (May 10, 1999)
- Fast, Slow, Spin (May 17, 1999)
- Long, Short, Roll (May 24, 1999)
- The Bob Show (May 31, 1999)
- Roll, Spin, Pop (June 7, 1999)
- Warm, Cool, Heart (June 14, 1999)
- The Plush Show (June 21, 1999)
- Still, Move, Train (June 28, 1999)
- Spring, Fall, Turn (July 5, 1999)
- High, Low, Stretch (July 12, 1999)
- Side, Stretch, Turn (July 19, 1999)
Season 2 (2000; Found)[]
- Top, Bottom, Jump (January 3, 2000)
- Over, Under, Balance (January 10, 2000)
- Drop, Lift, Flat (January 17, 2000)
- Tight, Loose, Squeeze (January 24, 2000)
- Hit, Miss, Bump (January 31, 2000)
- Work, Play, Skip (February 7, 2000)
- Hard, Easy, Change (February 14, 2000)
- New, Old, Dance (February 21, 2000)
- Lead, Follow, Act (February 28, 2000)
- Win, Lose, Tie (March 6, 2000)
- Push, Pull, Rock (March 13, 2000)
- A Little Curious About Life (March 20, 2000)
- Jump, Flat, Squeeze (March 27, 2000)
- Hard, Work, Bump (April 3, 2000)
- The Mop Show (April 10, 2000)
- Balance, Skip, Rock (April 17, 2000)
- Push, Over, Top (April 24, 2000)
- Drop, Loose, Change (May 1, 2000)