Balinese Slapping Fish was a Nickelodeon short series aired in 1998. It was made by Fudge Puppy, who also made the short series A Very Aggressive Vegetable. In every short, orange and green fish would slap each other in a given place. None of the shorts have surfaced, but there is a video for the short "Olympics" that displays an error when you attempt to play it.
Shorts in this series[]
- Game Arcade
- Fear Of Flying
- Haunted House
- Olympics
- Gala Premiere
- Blast Off Top 5
- Fight Night
Images of the shorts[]
Update: 11/26/15: Fear of Flying, Olympics, Gala Premiere, and Fight Night have been uploaded by Caramell95 (A.K.A CatscratchFan4004) - Fight Night - Olympics - Fear Of Flying - Gala Premiere
Update 12/19/15 Game arcade has been found by Caramell95! (A.K.A Catscratchfan4004) - Game arcade
Update 12/25/15 Haunted house has been uploaded by "Joey!" (TheJoeythegamer100) and Blast off Top 5 has been uploaded by "NodogonToontown" (Final Atomic Buster) - Blast off top 5 - Haunted House
Kudos to A lost media fan and Nodogontoontown for proving that the videos work!