Barney & Friends is an American children's television series aimed at children aged 1 to 8, created by Sheryl Leach and produced by HIT Entertainment. It premiered on PBS on April 6, 1992.
It was aired in Latin America at ZAZ in 1995 until 2005 only the first six seasons. The seventh season onwards was aired at Discovery Kids since January 6, 2003 until March 31, 2016. Late 90s was broadcast on MGM Family. Also was aired in United States on Sprout. In Spain was aired on Telecino.
This dub was produced by Sono-Mex Doblajes, S. A. in Mexico City.
Very few episodes of seasons 1-5 with Latin Spanish dub can be found on YouTube. The seasons 1-3 were extracted from VHS tapes and seasons 4-6 were ripped of TV and/or some DVDs that have these seasons.
At the moment, excluding one, nearly all of the sixth season is currrently missing.
The albums Las Canciones de Barney and Las Canciones de Barney 2,whose songs were extracted from several missing episodes; are available on Youtube.
The reason for the loss of this dubbing is due to the fact that the seasons broadcasted by Discovery Kids are the most recognized in Latin America,because this channel has a higher rating in children’s audience. Discovery Kids rarely aired the previous seasons.
All the home videos are found, also including Barney's Great Adventure.
Main Characters[]
- José Carlos Moreno as Barney
- Elsa Covián as Baby Bop
- Love Santini as B.J.
- Enzo Fortuny as Michael (Brian Eppes)
- Maggie Vera as Luci (Leah Montes)
- Cristina Hernández as Min (Pia Hamilton)
- Karla Falcón as Kathy (Lauren King)
- Christine Byrd as Tina (Jessica Zucha)
- Gerry Meza as Shawn (John David Bennett, II)
- Maggie Vera as Shawn's singing voice
- Leyla Rangel as Tosha (Hope Cervantes)
- Carlos Díaz as Derek
- Elsa Covián as David (Kenny Cooper) / Danny (Jeffrey Hood) / Kenneth (Nathan Regan)
- Gaby Ugarte as Juan (Gaby Ugarte) / Keesha (Mera Baker) / Linda (Adrianne Kangas)
- Carla Cerda as Maria (Jessica Hinojosa)
- Cecilia Gómez as Ashley (Maurie Chandler) / Alissa (Monet Chandler) / Kim (Danielle Vega)
- Raúl Garduño as Stephen (Chase Gallatin)
- Kalimba Marichal as Chip (Lucien Douglas)
- Alan Fernando Velázquez as Robert (Angel Velasco)
- Alondra Hidalgo as Hannah (Marisa Kuers)
- Cynthia Chong as Emily (Hannah Owens)
- Isabel Martiñón / Pablo Salla as Jeff (Austin Ball)
Recurring Characters[]
- Juan Alfonso Carralero as Mr. Boyd (Robert Sweatman)
- Maru Guzmán as Stella (Phyllis Cicero)
- Loretta Santini as Mother Goose (Sandy Walper)
- Nancy MacKenzie as Mother Goose (Barbara Lowin)
- Circe Luna as Scooter McNutty
- Blas García as Miss Etta Kette
Additional Voices[]
- Blas García (voice-over)
- Eduardo Tejedo
- Liza Willert
- Maggie Vera
Found Episodes[]
Season 1[]
Original Title | Spanish Title |
The Treasure Of Rainbow Beard | El Tesoro de Barba Arcoiris |
Happy Birthday, Barney! | Feliz Cumpleaños Barney |
Our Earth, Our Home | La Tierra es Nuestro Hogar |
Let's Help Mother Goose! | Mamá Gansa |
A Splash Party, Please | Una Fiesta de Chapoteo, Por Favor |
Home Sweet Homes | Hogar Dulce Hogar |
Season 2[]
Original Title | Spanish Title |
Red, Blue and Circles Too! | Rojo,Azul y Círculos |
The Exercise Circus! | El Circo |
An Adventure in Make-Believe | Una Aventura de la Imaginación |
The Alphabet Zoo | El Zoológico Alfabético |
Having Tens of Fun! | 10 Toneladas de Diversión |
A Very Special Delivery! | Una Sorpresa Muy Especial |
Season 3[]
Original Title | Spanish Title |
On the Move | Escuela Nueva |
Who's Who on the Choo Choo? | Trenes |
Are We There Yet? | Autos |
Season 4[]
Original Title | Spanish Title |
First Day of School | El primer día de clases |
Pennies, Nickels, Dimes | Centavos, Centavos y Más Centavos |
We've Got Rhythm | Es Divertido Tocar el Tambor |
Tick Tock Clocks! | Los Relojes Tic Tac |
Waiting for Mr. MacRooney | Esperando al Señor MacRooney |
Let's Build Together | Construyendo Juntos |
It's Tradition | Es una Tradición |
A Picture of Health | Consejos Para Estar Saludables |
Play Ball! | Juguemos a la Pelota |
Tree-Mendous Trees | Árboles Magníficos |
Good, Clean Fun! | Diversión y Limpieza |
All Mixed Up | Todo Mezclado |
Oh, Brother...She's My Sister | El es mi Hermano, Ella es mi Hermana |
E-I-E-I-O | Diversión En La Granja |
Season 5[]
Original Title | Spanish Title |
Books are Fun! | Leer es divertido |
Trading Places | Cambiemos de lugar |
The One And Only You | Tú eres lo Máximo |
Barney's Band | La Banda de Barney |
Howdy,Friends! | ¡Hola,Amigos! |
Seven Days a Week | Los Siete Días de la Semana |
Hidden Treasures | Tesoros Escondidos |
Sweet As Honey | Dulce como la miel |
Aunt Rachel Is Here! | La visita de la tía Rachel |
It's A Rainy Day! | Los días lluviosos son divertidos |
What's in a Name? | La Importancia del Nombre |
Season 6:
How Does Your Garden Grow! (¿Cómo crece tu jardín?)
Partially Found Episodes[]
The Dentist Makes Me Smile Clip 1(???)
The Dentist Makes Me Smile Clip 2(???)
Missing Episodes[]
Season 1 []
- The Queen of Make-Believe
- My Family's Just Right for Me
- Playing It Safe
- Hop to It!
- Eat, Drink and Be Healthy!
- Four Seasons Day
- Going Places!
- Caring Means Sharing
- Down on Barney's Farm
- What's That Shadow?
- Alphabet Soup!
- Be a Friend
- I Just Love Bugs
- When I Grow Up...
- 1-2-3-4-5 Senses!
- Practice Makes Music
- Hi, Neighbor!
- A Camping We Will Go!
- Carnival of Numbers
- A World of Music
- Doctor Barney is Here!
- Oh, What a Day!
- Hola, Mexico!
- Everyone is Special
Season 2 []
- Falling for Autumn!
- Grandparents are Grand!
- May I Help You?
- Honk! Honk! A Goose on the Loose!
- Hoo's in the Forest?
- I Can Do That!
- Grown-Ups for a Day!
- Picture This!
- Look at Me, I'm 3!
- My Favorite Things
- The Dentist Makes Me Smile
- Stop, Look and Be Safe!
Season 3[]
- Shawn & the Beanstalk
- If the Shoe Fits...
- Room for Everyone
- I Can Be a Firefighter!
- Shopping for a Surprise!
- Any Way You Slice It
- Twice is Nice!
- A Welcome Home
- Classical Cleanup
- Our Furry Feathered Fishy Friends
- Gone Fishing!
- At Home with Animals
- It's Raining, It's Pouring...
- Camera Safari
- Ship, Ahoy!
- Hats Off to BJ!
- Up We Go!
Season 4[]
- A Different Kind of Mystery
- Going on a Bear Hunt
Season 5[]
- Safety First!
- Circle of Friends
- Try It, You'll Like It!
- Colors All Around
- A Royal Welcome
- First Things First!
- Easy Does It!
- A Very Special Mouse
Season 6 []
- Stick with Imagination!
- Itty Bitty Bugs
- Grandparents are Grand
- Hora de Almorzar (Snack Time!)
- A Sunny, Snowy Day
- You've Got to Have Art
- Five Kinds of Fun!
- Count Me In!
- Who's Who at the Zoo?
- Birthday Olé
- Excellent Exercise!
- Brushing Up on Teeth
- A "Little" Mother Goose
- Good Job!
- It's Home to Me
- You Can Do It!
- Here Comes the Firetruck!
- Ready, Set, Go!
- You are Special