Ben 10: Destroy All Aliens (originally titled Ben 10: Alien Dimensions, Ben 10: The 3D Movie, or Ben 10 3D: The Movie) is a Singaporean-American computer-animated science fiction action film that premiered on Cartoon Network Asia on March 11, 2012, and in the United States on Cartoon Network March 23, 2012, as part of "Ben 10 Week" which ran from March 19, 2012 – March 24, 2012.
In the Philippines, there is a Filipino dub of the movie which aired on May 5, 2012. However, only few clips existed. The known voice actors are below here:
Voice Actors[]
- Oyo Sotto as Retaliator
- JC De Vera as Four Arms
- Joey de Leon as Grandpa Max
- Nina Teo as Ben's Girl classmate
- Xander Ching as Ben's Boy classmate
Note: All are uploaded on April 30, 2012. TV5 themselves uploaded it to their YouTube Channel.
- Teaser1 was uploaded.
- Teaser2 was uploaded.
- Sneak Peek was uploaded.
- Behind the Scenes featuring Oyo Sotto was uploaded.
- Behind the Scenes featuring JC De Vera was uploaded.
- Behind the Scenes featuring Joey de Leon was uploaded.