Bert and Ernie's Great Adventures is an animated series developed by Sesame Workshop in which clay-animated versions of Bert and Ernie use their imaginations to travel to strange places and into entertaining situations.
There was an Italian dub that aired on Rai 3 in 2009 and made reruns on Rai YoYo in May 2011.[1] This dub was made by VIDEODELTA - Telecittà Studios (TO) and Stefano Brusa and Andrea Zalone voicing Bert and Ernie.
There was one episode online on youtube but got taken down, making it lost. but 7 years later, a low quality video with the intro and the cast (cast at the beginning) with some kids singing along, but there is the beginning of the intro at the end of a Peppa Pig italian video.
- Bert - Stefano Brusa
- Ernie - Andrea Zalone
- Dubbing Studio: Telecittà Studios (TO)