Big Bag was a relatively short-lived preschool TV series that aired on Cartoon Network from 1996 to 1998, co-produced by Turner and the Children's Television Workshop, and created by Nina Elias-Bamberger. Notable for being Cartoon Network's first live-action series (preceding its infamous CN Real block that would debut on the channel over a decade later), the series combined live-action stories featuring humans and Muppet characters with various animated cartoons (very similar to CTW's flagship series Sesame Street.) Also unique for Cartoon Network, it originally was aired as an hour-long program without commercial breaks during its' first season. For the second season, it was reduced to a half-hour program (but still without commercials.) The show was taped at the Disney-MGM Studios Park in Orlando, Florida.
Most of the Episodes are lost and found. Please edit this page by adding a link if an episode is founded but link is not given.
Lets Work Together:Founded but it’s in Portuguese.
One Little Lie:Founded but It’s incomplete (
Bag’O Tricks:Founded (
Good-Bye To Feeling Shy:Founded but Incomplete (
Birthday Bash:Founded but it’s in Portuguese.
Key Key Where can you be:Founded but Link not given.
The Apple Corps:Founded But link not given.
Win,Lose,Or Draw:Founded But Link Not Given
The Imaginary Treasure:Founded but link not given.
My Crayons My Crayons:Founded but it’s on a Vhs Tape.
Practice Practice:Founded but Link Not Given
Piano Draw Blues:Founded But Link Not given
Bringing Up Puppies:Founded But Link Not Given
Join The Club:Founded But Link Not given
The Sock Hop:Founded (Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Birthday Blah:Founded (
Chellis In Charge:Founded but Incomplete (
Elmos Visit:Founded but no Segments (
Afraid Of the Dark:Founded but in Portuguese
All Other Season 2 Episodes are lost