BluBlu Train is a toddler-based series created by Navystar Company Limited. The series focuses on a blue train called BluBlu and RedRed. There's also a YouTube channel with the same name. There's also proof of there being a canceled BluBlu Train animated series, the most obvious coming from the deleted video of the series trailer, but also a 30 second clip of an episode titled "01 BluBlu & RedRed", seen at the end of Lightning Rescuer, an episode from the Mr.Wheeler&Friends series.
In 2014, Navystar created BluBlu Train. Near the end of that same year, the BluBlu Train YouTube channel was created. While they did upload a few videos on their channel, both have been taken down years later after their initial uploads. They uploaded their first video titled "Cartoons Trailer@"BluBluTrain Kids Cartoons", a one minute video showing the trailer for the possibly canceled BluBlu Train animated series. In January of 2015, they uploaded their second video titled "01 "My Name Is BluBlue"@"BluBlu Train"Kids cartoons". Thankfully unlike the series trailer video, this video was archived and can be watched on the Mr. Wheeler YouTube channel as well as on Dailymotion.
- BluBlu Train - The series' main character. (appears in the trailer, the supposed pilot episode, Mr.Wheeler&Friends, and the BluBlu Train animated series)
- RedRed Train - BluBlu Train's best friend. (appears in the trailer, the supposed pilot episode, Mr.Wheeler&Friends, and the BluBlu Train animated series)
- The Station Master - The man in charge of the train station. (only appears in the supposed pilot episode)
- The Station Mistress- The Station Master's attendant. (only appears in the supposed pilot episode)
- The Milkman - A kid who helps BluBlu Train and RedRed Train deliver the milk around the town. (only appears in the supposed pilot episode)
- The Farmer - A kind elderly man who works at the farm and the dairy. (appears in both the trailer and the supposed pilot episode)
- The Mechanic - A man who works in a repair shed and helps to repair BluBlu Train and RedRed Train. (only appears in the series trailer)
- Green Tractor - A tractor who works at a farm. (only appears in the BluBlu Train animated series)
- Orange Tractor - A tractor who works at a farm. (only appears in the BluBlu Train animated series)
The only known footage of BluBlu Train is on sites like YouTube and Dailymotion. It's possible that the videos have been uploaded to some Chinese video websites as well. The first video, Cartoons Trailer@"BluBluTrain Kids Cartoons, was deleted and cannot be found anywhere else as far as I can tell. The second video, 01 "My Name Is BluBlu"@"BluBlu Train"Kids cartoons, is also deleted, but thankfully, has been archived on Dailymotion, as well as on the Mr.Wheeler&Friends YouTube channel.
- 01 "My Name Is BluBlu"@"BluBlu Train"Kids cartoons (Archived)
- Cartoons Trailer@"BluBluTrain Kids Cartoons (Lost)
The Series Trailer[]
Video Description: Let's enjoy the cartoon trailer of BluBlu Train.
From what I remember, the trailer had some scenes similar to Chuggington. In fact the town looked like a mere copy of The Depot. The trailer started out with a closeup of BluBlu Train blowing his whistle, a shot from inside of a tunnel, BluBlu Train and RedRed Train jumping out of the tunnel, similar to the beginning of the intro to Chuggington, a farmer sadly shedding a tear, a signal turning from red to green, BluBlu Train arriving at the farm, bring back the farm animals, much to the farmer's delight, BluBlu Train collecting some passengers and taking them for a trip through the countryside, BluBlu Train traveling through the countryside without any wagons, RedRed Train at the quarry collecting rocks, him going too fast downhill (and possibly having an accident and crashing at the bottom of the hill), RedRed Train getting checked over at a repair shed, BluBlu Train coming into the next scene, RedRed Train coming into the next scene after being repaired, the two counting to three with their smoke, then racing off on three out of shot, then into the camera before the trailer ends with the ending section of the series intro.
My Name Is BluBlu[]
Video Description: Blu Blu is a nice little train, every day, he transported neighbors usual mlk, but on this day, accidentally spilled the milk, how would he do?
01 BluBlu & RedRed[]
Video Description: Unknown
As previously stated, the only known proof of this piece of media existing was it appearing at the end of Lightning Rescuer, an episode from the Mr.Wheeler&Friends series. It's possible that it could be the official first episode of the series, meaning that "My Name Is BluBlu" could've been a pilot episode.
The Merchandise[]
To promote the series, Navystar produced 3 different train sets with BluBlu Train. It's possible that these sets were based off of the episodes for the initial series.