BrainSurge is an American children's game show that aired on Nickelodeon and was hosted by Jeff Sutphen. The show taped its first season in February 2009, and debuted on September 28, 2009. The show's format was adapted from the Tokyo Broadcasting System game show Brain Survivor. The U.S. version was created by Scott A. Stone, creator of kid's game shows Legends of the Hidden Temple, Fun House, Paradise Run, and The Mole, and Clay Newbill, executive producer of The Mole and Shark Tank.
The network announced on February 18, 2010 that the program was renewed for a second season, that consisted of 40 episodes, and featured the same format without any known changes. The second season, which featured the 40 original episodes plus one episode held over from season one, premiered on June 21, 2010. The third season started airing on July 18, 2011 on Nick at Nite, marketed as Family BrainSurge, and had a two-person family team format with five teams. The third season ran until November 17, 2011, when the show was canceled. The remaining episodes aired on Nicktoons from April 28 to May 9, 2014.
120 episodes of Brainsurge have aired, and all of the episodes have been found, but NOT all of them are LEGAL copies!
Here the best playlist for the legal footages!:
Lost Episodes[]
Stats of found footage for each episode
Season 1[]
All of the episodes are found!
Season 2[]
All of the episodes are found! But, episodes 206 and 237 are only found as ILLEGAL footages! Episodes 228 and 238 were also found as an ILLEGAL footage first, but the legal copies were then also found!
Season 3[]
All of the episodes are found! But, the episodes below are partially found legally in poor to sub-par quality.
Episodes and Champs
- 304 (Missing level 3) (Lancaster)
- 310 (Level 1 minus intro and level 2 story) (Houlihan)
- 311 (Level 2 story but audio is replaced with music) (Oriss)
- 321 (Missing level 3) (Monick)
- 323 (Last half of level 2 and level 3) (Aguilera)
- 326 (Missing intro and level 3) (Moultries)
- 333 (Lost aside from story) (Sargent)
- 337 (Level 1 minus intro and level 2 story) (Hinojosa)