CBS Schoolbreak Special (also known as CBS Afternoon Playhouse during the first five seasons) is a 1978, American, anthology, television series. It was produced by CBS Productions. It ran for 13 seasons with a total of 89 episodes.
This series shares similarities with the ABC Afterschool Special. It is an anthology series that consists of live-action dramas that function as cautionary tales for the teen demographic on a variety of topics, such as drunk driving, domestic abuse, and teen pregnancy, among others.
Some of the episodes are available on Youtube, others remain missing, others are promos, and others are clips, so their availability and how much footage each of the episodes have vary. An episode titled "The Writing on the Wall" is unavailable on Youtube, but it is on Dailymotion. Episodes that are unavailable, whether in full or at all include the five-part "Joey and Redhawk", "Year of the Gentle Tiger", "The House That Half-Jack Built", the five-part "One Last Ride", "Lost in Death Valley", "The Great Gilly Hopkins", "Me and Mr. Stenner", "DAngerous Company", "Journey to Survival", and "The Shooting", among several others. The availability of the entire series remains incomplete.