Caillou is a Canadian children's series made by Cookie Jar that aired from 1997 to 2010. It has been dubbed into many languages such as German, Spanish, Finnish, Russian, and Hungarian. However, a Croatian dub entitled Oblutak exists, but only a few episodes have surfaced. The only known season to have been dubbed in Croatian is season 1, but it is unknown if seasons 2-5 have aired.
UPDATE: 02/23/2016 The special "Caillou's Holiday Movie" has been found. But you cannot download it anymore, because the link is dead. Original link here.
UPDATE: 02/24/2016 4 of 5 seasons are dubbed in Croatian + special from up. I've shared episodes I've got from popular private torrent tracker from Croatia (popular in whole Ex Yu). They can be found on following links: 1st rar, 2nd rar. Mirror: 1, 2. But they don't work anymore, because both links are dead just like the Caillou's Hoilday Movie.
UPDATE In 2019, a channel featuring the dub was created.
Croatian Version Staff[]
- Prevela: Ana Dejanović
- Glasovi: Ivana Buljan Legati, Dijana Bolanča, Mira Bosanac, Dražen Bratulić
- Tonski obradio: Kristian Horvat
- Redatelj: Branko Sviben
- Producent: Robert Jurčić
- Urednica: Vesna Sudar
- Obrada: HRT