Clifford's Puppy Days is an American animated children's television series that originally aired on PBS Kids from September 20, 2003 to February 25, 2006. A prequel to the 2000–2003 series Clifford the Big Red Dog, it features the adventures of Clifford during his puppy days before he became a big red dog and before moving to Birdwell Island. It also had a British dub, just like the original series.
From 2005 to 2011, CBeebies aired a British dub of the show. However, like the original series, when the show was broadcast in the UK, only one story is shown, with either the Storytime with Speckle or the Clifford's Idea to Grow On segments at the end, shortening the show to about 15 minutes.
Found Footage:
Clifford's Puppy Days - Lights, Camera, Action! (2005) (UK dub)
Clifford's Puppy Days - Moving On (2004) (UK dub)
Clifford's Puppy Days - The Monster in 3B (2003) (UK dub)
Cast []
- Lizzie Waterworth: Clifford
- Joanna Ruiz: Emily Elizabeth
- Tom Eastwood: Norville
- Benjamin Small: Jorge