Lost Media Archive

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Lost Media Archive

After the first Doraemon anime series ended in September 1973, it remained manga-exclusive until 1979 when a newly formed animation studio, Shin-Ei Animation (which was founded in 1976) produced a second Doraemon anime series which premiered on April 2, 1979, on TV Asahi. Unlike the 1973 Doraemon anime which had a total of 26 episodes, the 1979 Doraemon anime was the longest-running Japanese anime series having a total of 1,787 episodes. The series ended on March 18, 2005, as it was replaced by a third Doraemon anime series which premiered on April 15, 2005, and still continues as of today. Most of the episodes of the 1979 Doraemon anime can be found on various websites such as YouTube or Dailymotion while some episodes went missing (especially the Japanese dubbed ones) and can be only found in other languages like Hindi and others.

Below is a list of episodes that were currently found in either Japanese dubbed or only in other languages.

If you want to see the episodes of this version of Doraemon, click on this link that will take you to the internet archive's page for the 1979 Doraemon anime's episode list (keep in mind that most of the episodes are not currently found) or you can click on the bold word "(FOUND)" that will take you to the episode that is currently on YouTube or another video-based website.



  1. The City of Dreams, Nobita Land (ゆめの町ノビタランド) (FOUND)
  2. The Transformation Biscuits (変身ビスケット) (FOUND)
  3. Memorization Bread for Testing (テストにアンキパン) (FOUND)
  4. N-S Badges (N・Sワッペン) (FOUND)
  5. Wrestling Killer (ころばし屋) (FOUND)
  6. Nobita's Bride (のび太のおよめさん) (FOUND)
  7. Doraemon's Prediction (ドラえもんの大予言) (FOUND)
  8. Dinosaur Hunting (恐竜ハンター) (FOUND)
  9. The Devil Passport (悪魔のパスポート) (FOUND)
  10. Lucky Gun (ラッキーガン) (FOUND)
  11. The Cursing Camera (のろいのカメラ) (FOUND)
  12. The Wolf Family (オオカミ一家) (FOUND)
  13. Let's Build a Subway (地下鉄をつくっちゃえ) (FOUND)
  14. Masked Self, Hero of Justice (正義の味方・セルフ仮面) (FOUND)
  15. I Got 100%, For Once in My Life... (一生に一度は百点を) (FOUND)
  16. Swapping Moms (ママをとりかえっこ) (FOUND)
  17. The Time Cloth (タイムふろしき) (FOUND)
  18. Treasure of Chinkara Peak (珍加羅峠の宝物) (FOUND)
  19. Air Combat (大空中戦) (FOUND)
  20. The No Room Door (ナイヘヤドア) (FOUND)
  21. Run! Bamboo Horse (走れ!ウマタケ) (FOUND)
  22. Ah, Love, Love, Love! (ああ、好き、好き、好き) (FOUND)
  23. Wild Animal-Taming Gloves (猛獣ならし手袋) (FOUND)
  24. Ancestors, Come On (ご先祖様がんばれ) (FOUND)
  25. Vehicle Accessories (のりものアクセサリー) (FOUND)
  26. Top Secret Spy Operation (㊙スパイ大作戦) (FOUND)
  27. I'll Become a Singer by Eating Candy (キャンデーなめて歌手になろう) (FOUND)
  28. Oh, Lovely Mii-chan! (すてきなミイちゃん) (FOUND)
  29. The Toy Soldiers (おもちゃの兵隊) (FOUND)
  30. The Fish Flag Float (こいのぼり) (FOUND)
  31. Antique Competition (古どうぐきょう走) (FOUND)
  32. The Bow-Bow Grasshopper (ペコペコバッタ) (FOUND)
  33. Paper Crafts Sure Are Fun (紙工作は楽しいな) (FOUND)
  34. A Girl Like White Lilies (白ゆりのような女の子) (FOUND)
  35. Opposite Arrow (コベアべ) (FOUND)
  36. Time Camera (おくれカメラ) (FOUND)
  37. Nobita's Proposal Strategy (プロポーズ作戦) (FOUND)
  38. Reservation Machine (リザーブマシン) (FOUND)
  39. Raccoon Maker (タヌ機) (FOUND)
  40. ○○ Does ×× and △△ (○○がXXと△△する) (FOUND)
  41. The Girl With the Red Shoes (赤いくつの女の子) (FOUND)
  42. Put on Some Flattery Lipstick (おせじ口べに) (FOUND)
  43. Memories of Grandma Part 1 (おばあちゃんのおもいで(前)) (FOUND)
  44. Memories of Grandma Part 2 (おばあちゃんのおもいで(後)) (FOUND)
  45. I'll Be My Own Teacher (ぼくをぼくの先生に) (FOUND)
  46. The Strange Encounter Machine (未知とのそうぐう機) (FOUND)
  47. Nobita in the Mirror (かがみの中ののび太) (FOUND)
  48. The Dimensional Copy (立体コピー) (FOUND)
  49. Let's Go See the Ocean in a Submarine (せん水艦で海へ行こう) (FOUND)
  50. The Friendship Capsule (友情カプセル) (FOUND)
  51. Submission Ring (ごくうリング) (FOUND)
  52. The Apartment Tree (アパートの木) (FOUND)
  53. Real Shooting (実物射的) (FOUND)
  54. Find the Culprit with the Time Machine (タイムマシンで犯人を) (FOUND)
  55. The King of Sharpshooting Contest (けん銃王コンテスト) (FOUND)
  56. Fining Piggy Bank (ばっ金箱) (FOUND)
  57. The Wack in the Future (ハウスロボット) (FOUND)
  58. Nobita's Castaway Story (のび太漂流記) (FOUND)
  59. Air Block Maker (空気ブロックせいぞう機) (FOUND)
  60. The Continuation Spray (つづきスプレー) (FOUND)
  61. Lost Item Retrieval Machine (なくし物とりよせ機) (FOUND)
  62. First Antenna (あらかじめアンテナ) (FOUND)
  63. The Voice Thickener (声のかたまり) (FOUND)
  64. The Wishing Star (ねがい星) (FOUND)
  65. The Big R/C Naval Battle (ラジコン大海戦) (FOUND)
  66. XYZ-Ray Camera (XYZ線カメラ) (FOUND)
  67. Let's Be Lightning (カミナリになれよう) (FOUND)
  68. A Visitor from the Country of the Future (未来世界の怪人) (FOUND)
  69. The Weather Box (お天気ボックス) (FOUND)
  70. Home Satellite (自家用衛星) (FOUND)
  71. The Life Do-Over Machine (人生やりなおし機) (FOUND)
  72. The Super King (スーパーダン) (FOUND)
  73. Let's Set Up the Customer's Face (お客の顔を組み立てよう) (FOUND)
  74. That Lie is True (ソノウソホント) (FOUND)
  75. I Love You, Roboko (ロボ子が愛してる) (FOUND)
  76. Let's Play in the Clouds (雲ざいくで遊ぼう) (FOUND)
  77. The Truth Stickers (ウラオモテックス) (FOUND)
  78. The Fake Alien (ニセ宇宙人) (FOUND)
  79. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Real Things (ほんもの図鑑) (FOUND)
  80. Troublesome Camera (めんくいカメラ) (FOUND)
  81. The Day When I Was Born (ぼくの生まれた日) (FOUND)
  82. Torment Machine (さいなんくんれん機) (FOUND)
  83. The Pool in the Clouds (雲の中のプール) (FOUND)
  84. Mancutting Machine (人間切断機) (FOUND)
  85. Dried Fish (ゆうれいの干物) (FOUND)
  86. Taking an Arrow to School (弓やで学校へ) (FOUND)
  87. The Snail House Sure is Carefree (デンデンハウスは気楽だな) (FOUND)
  88. Advertising in Mirrors (かがみでコマーシャル) (FOUND)
  89. Baby Manufacturing Machine (人間製造機) (FOUND)
  90. We're Gonna Steal Mom's Diamond (ママのダイヤを盗み出せ) (FOUND)
  91. Moving to a Haunted Castle Part 1 (ゆうれい城へ引っこし(前)) (FOUND)
  92. Moving to a Haunted Castle Part 2 (ゆうれい城へ引っこし(後)) (FOUND)
  93. Swimming Powder (ドンブラ粉) (FOUND)
  94. The Love-Love Parasol (あいあいパラソル) (FOUND)
  95. Where the Traveling Souvernir Picture Doesn't Go (行かない旅行の記念写真) (FOUND)
  96. Shopping in the Future (未来からの買いもの) (FOUND)
  97. Werewolf Cream (おおかみ男クリーム) (FOUND)
  98. A Large Man Went Out (大男が出たぞ) (FOUND)
  99. It's the King in the World of the Night! (夜の世界の王さまだ!) (FOUND)
  100. The Almighty Pass (オールマイティパス) (FOUND)
  101. The Dictator Switch (どくさいスイッチ) (FOUND)
  102. Borrowing in the Shade (かげがり) (FOUND)
  103. The Robot-Control-Training Machine (ロケットそうじゅうくんれん機) (FOUND)
  104. The Paddy Field Mat (タタミの田んぼ) (FOUND)
  105. Speed Clock (スピードどけい) (FOUND)
  106. My Ancestor, The Braggart (ホラふき御先祖) (FOUND)
  107. Honest Tāro (正直太郎) (FOUND)
  108. Emotion Controller (表情コントローラー) (FOUND)
  109. Hello, Alien Part 1 (ハロー宇宙人(前)) (FOUND)
  110. Hello, Alien Part 2 (ハロー宇宙人(後)) (FOUND)
  111. Vero Phase Prediction Bonanza! (ベロ相うらない大当たり!) (FOUND)
  112. The Reversion Light (もどりライト) (FOUND)
  113. Jekyll and Hyde (ジキルハイド) (FOUND)
  114. One-Shot Answer! (答えは一発!みこみ予ほう機) (FOUND)
  115. A Cat Made a Company, Meow (ネコが会社を作ったよ) (FOUND)
  116. Girlfriend Catalog (ガールフレンドカタログ) (FOUND)
  117. Pocket Telescope (手にとり望遠鏡) (FOUND)
  118. My Home is Getting Farther and Farther Away (家がだんだん遠くなる) (FOUND)
  119. Operation: Y Candle (Yロウ作戦) (FOUND)
  120. Ran Away to Uninhabited Island (無人島へ家出) (FOUND)
  121. I Can't Study in the Sahara Desert (サハラ砂漠で勉強はできない) (FOUND)
  122. Nikmenine (ニクメナイン) (FOUND)
  123. The Lying Mirror (うそつきカガミ) (FOUND)
  124. Peck Rope (なげーなげなわ) (FOUND)
  125. Alien's House? (宇宙人の家?) (FOUND)
  126. Head Down to the Path of Evil (悪の道を進め) (FOUND)
  127. The Medicine of Boy Students and Girl Students! (オトコンナを飲めば!) (FOUND)
  128. The Absconding Leaf (ドロン葉) (FOUND)
  129. Memory Hammer (わすれとんかち) (FOUND)
  130. Let's Live to Laugh (わらってくらそう) (FOUND)
  131. Moonlight and Bug Voices (月の光と虫の声) (FOUND)
  132. I Found a Tsuchinoko! (ツチノコ見つけた!) (FOUND)
  133. Space Tarzan Part 1 (宇宙ターザン(前)) (FOUND)
  134. Space Tarzan Part 2 (宇宙ターザン(後)) (FOUND)
  135. Toy Car Training Center (ミニカー教習所) (FOUND)
  136. The Soul Machine (タマシイムマシン) (FOUND)
  137. Even in the Stomach, in the Acid (たとえ胃の中水の中) (FOUND)
  138. The Dream Channel (ゆめのチャンネル) (FOUND)
  139. Development and Degradation Radiation (進化退化放射線源) (FOUND)
  140. Super Armor (ウルトラよろい) (FOUND)
  141. Hot Spring Trip (温泉旅行) (FOUND)
  142. If Gian's a Superman (もしもジャイアンがスーパーマンになったら) (FOUND)
  143. Human Remote Control (人間あやつり機) (FOUND)
  144. The Overexaggerating Overcoat (オーバー・オーバー) (FOUND)
  145. The Make-Believe Treasure Hunter Set (宝さがしごっこセット) (FOUND)
  146. The Big Fossil Discovery (化石大発見) (FOUND)
  147. The Jack in the Box Stick (びっくり箱ステッキ) (FOUND)
  148. Slowly Reflective Eyebrows (ゆっくり反射ぞうきん) (FOUND)
  149. Human Eating House (人喰いハウス) (FOUND)
  150. The Mouse and The Bomb (ネズミとばくだん) (FOUND)
  151. The Just-As-You-Said Pills (ソウナルじょう) (FOUND)
  152. The Esper Hat (エスパーぼうし) (FOUND)
  153. Special Vision Report (見たままスコープ) (FOUND)
  154. Human Remote Control (人間ラジコン) (FOUND)
  155. The Famous Knife Denkomaru (名刀「電光丸」) (FOUND)
  156. Magnify Bad Habits Gas (くせなおしガス) (FOUND)
  157. The Guidance Angel (ミチビキエンゼル) (FOUND)
  158. Disgust Maker (にがてつくり機) (FOUND)
  159. Fuko, The Typhoon (台風のフー子) (FOUND)
  160. Reverse Invisibility Eye Drop (見えなくなる目ぐすり) (FOUND)
  161. The Rank Badges (階級ワッペン) (FOUND)
  162. Dad's a Mama's Boy, Too (パパもあまえんぼ) (FOUND)
  163. Unexisting Shower (いないいないシャワー) (FOUND)
  164. The Stone Cap (石ころぼうし) (FOUND)
  165. Predicting Bug (よかん虫) (FOUND)
  166. All-in-One Rein (はいどうたづな) (FOUND)
  167. Portable National Diet (ポータブル国会) (FOUND)
  168. Slow-Slow, Quick-Quick (のろのろじたばた) (FOUND)
  169. Detecting Badges (トレーサーバッジ) (FOUND)
  170. I'm Gonna Become a Fine Dad! (りっぱなパパになるぞ!) (FOUND)
  171. Forgetting Bird (わすれ鳥) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  172. Vending Time Machine (自動販売タイムマシン) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  173. Secret Camera (こっそりカメラ) (FOUND)
  174. The Magic Hand (マジックハンド) (FOUND)
  175. Delay Candy (おそだアメ) (FOUND)
  176. Grandpa, In the Midst of a Dream (夢まくらのおじいさん) (FOUND)
  177. Robot Paper (ロボットペーパー) (FOUND)
  178. Black Belt Nobita (黒おびのび太) (FOUND)
  179. The Ultra Mixer (ウルトラミキサー) (FOUND)
  180. How to Make a Deserted Island (無人島の作り方) (FOUND)
  181. Typhoon Maker (台風発生機) (FOUND)
  182. New Plant Species (新種植物せいぞう機) (FOUND)
  183. A World Where You Don't Need Money (お金のいらない世界) (FOUND)
  184. Abekonbe (アベコンベ) (FOUND)
  185. Dairi Gum (ダイリガム) (FOUND)
  186. The Bad Luck Diamond (悪運ダイヤ) (FOUND)
  187. Big Money! (お金なんか大きらい!) (FOUND)
  188. Sharing Gum (おすそわけガム) (FOUND)
  189. The Secret Treasure of Nobizaemon (のび左ェ門の秘宝) (FOUND)
  190. The Schedule Clock (スケジュールどけい) (FOUND)
  191. Ayaushi! Lion Mask (あやうし!ライオン仮面) (FOUND)
  192. Pero! Come Back to Life (ペロ!生きかえって) (FOUND)
  193. Gian's Spirit Friend (ジャイアンの心の友) (FOUND)
  194. The Castaway Story from Long Ago (大むかし漂流記) (FOUND)
  195. The Anywhere Cannon (どこでも大ほう) (FOUND)
  196. Flying Fish (空とぶさかな) (FOUND)
  197. Nobita's Nobita (のび太ののび太) (FOUND)
  198. Hii Tree (ひい木) (FOUND)
  199. Sherlock Holmes Set (シャーロック・ホームズセット) (FOUND)
  200. Small Person Robot (小人ロボット) (FOUND)
  201. The One Inch Boy (いっすんぼうし) (FOUND)
  202. The Dress-Up Camera (きせかえカメラ) (FOUND)
  203. A Sure-Fire Win with the Palm-Reading Set? (かならず当たる手相セット) (FOUND)
  204. The All-Season Badge (オールシーズンバッチ) (FOUND)
  205. The Guardian Mantle (ひらりマント) (FOUND)
  206. Dream Walker (立ちユメぼう) (FOUND)
  207. Let's Move All Over the Place (あちこちひっこそう) (FOUND)
  208. An Emotional, Heart-Touching Expression (ジーンと感動する話) (FOUND)
  209. The In-Advance Diary is Horrible (あらかじめ日記はおそろしい) (FOUND)
  210. The Reality Pillow (うつつまくら) (FOUND)
  211. Hakoiwa Ski Resort (はこ庭スキー場) (FOUND)
  212. Tea Pot Tape Recorder (ヤカンレコーダー) (FOUND)
  213. Touch Gloves (タッチ手ぶくろ) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  214. The Snow's Hot, Hot, Hot! (雪でアッチッチ) (FOUND)
  215. The Regular Pen (ないしょペン) (FOUND)
  216. I'll Be the King of the Stone Age (石器時代の王さまに) (FOUND)
  217. Lighter Play (ライター芝居) (FOUND)
  218. Play with Dolls (人形あそび) (FOUND)
  219. Ghost Lamp (怪談ランプ) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  220. Sweets Ranch (おかし牧草) (FOUND)
  221. Sesame Lock (ゴマロック) (FOUND)
  222. The Graffiti Gun (らくがきじゅう) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  223. Becoming Faceless with an Eraser (消しゴムでノッペラボウ) (FOUND)
  224. The Odd, Odd Umbrellas (おかしなおかしなかさ) (FOUND)
  225. Pitcher's Hat (エースキャップ) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  226. Comic Book's Extras from One Hundred Years Later (百年後のフロク) (FOUND)
  227. Main Character Package Machine (主役はめこみ機) (FOUND)
  228. Hardship Miso (くろうみそ) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  229. The Forceful Athletic House (アスレチックハウス) (FOUND)
  230. Lottery Jackpot Strategy (宝くじ大当たり) (FOUND)
  231. Multiplication Liquid (バイバイン) (FOUND)
  232. Go Home, You Unwanted Guest! (いやなお客の帰し方) (FOUND)
  233. Battle of Handmade Missile (手づくりミサイル大作戦) (FOUND)
  234. Making a Little Brother (弟をつくろう) (FOUND)
  235. The Sonic Oscillation Terror Machine (狂音波発信機) (FOUND)


  1. Something is Gonna Occur by 7 o'clock (七時に何かがおこる) (FOUND)
  2. The Switching Rope (入れかえロープ) (FOUND)
  3. Mad Watch (マッド・ウオッチ) (FOUND)
  4. Window Scenery Switching Machine (まどけしきとりかえ機) (FOUND)
  5. The Great Avalanche in My Room (勉強べやの大なだれ) (FOUND)
  6. King Kong (キングコング) (FOUND)
  7. I'm Mari-chan Part 1 (ぼく、マリちゃんだよ(前)) (FOUND, MEREGED WITH PART TWO)
  8. I'm Mari-chan Part 2 (ぼく、マリちゃんだよ(後)) (FOUND, MEREGED WITH PART ONE)
  9. Party Image (イメージとう) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  10. Skiing in the Park!! (公園でスキーを!!) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  11. Dream Wind Chime (ゆめふうりん) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  12. I Have a Small Plate (いただき小ばん) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  13. Owner Addressed to Machine (持ち主あて機) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  14. Push Door (プッシュドア) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  15. Robots (ロボッター) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  16. Magic Replaced Stick (身がわりバー) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  17. The Story of Taking Off Your Body's Skin (からだの皮をはぐ話) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  18. Time Piggy Bank (時間貯金箱) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  19. Telepathy Fruit (テレパしい) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  20. This Picture is 6,000,000 Yen (この絵600万円) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  21. The What-If Phone Box (もしもボックス) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  22. Knob Endowment Contact (ようろうおつまみ) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  23. I'm Going to Transfer this Cold (このかぜうつします) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  24. Telepath Robot (テレパスロボット) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  25. Playing in the Sky is Dangerous (空であそんじゃあぶないよ) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  26. Invisible Telescope (スケスケ望遠鏡) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  27. Monomose (モノモース) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  28. Wilderness in the Room (へやの中の大自然) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  29. Animals Will be Sprinkling (動物がたにげだしじょう) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  30. Pill Forcing Weight (ヤセール) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  31. The Mallet of Good Luck (うちでの小づち) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  32. Actual Object Solar Camera (実物立体日光写真) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  33. The Story with the Disaster Around (さいなんにかこまれた話) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  34. Sell the Night (夜を売ります) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  35. The Understanding and Thankfulness Machine (アリガタミワカリ機) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  36. Gian Stew (ジャイアンシチュー) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  37. Room Marathon (ルームマラソン) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  38. News Publisher Game (新聞社ごっこセット) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  39. Pandora's Box (パンドラボックス) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  40. Full Speed Shead with the Rajikon Simulator (ラジコンシュミレーターでぶっとばせ) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  41. Muscle Controller (筋肉コントローラー) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  42. Feeling Instrumentpanel (ごきげんメーター) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  43. Hypnosis Machine (さいみん機) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  44. The Automatic Pawnshop (自動質屋機) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  45. Quiz Game Machine (クイズゲームマシン) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  46. The Global Evacuation Plan (地球脱出計画) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  47. If the Robot Praises (ロボットがほめれば) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  48. Romance in the Snowy Mountain (雪山のロマンス) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  49. The Forgetting Flower (わすれろ草) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  50. Hardship Counter (百苦タイマー) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  51. Muriyari Torepan (ムリヤリトレパン) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  52. The Courtesy Candy (しつけキャンデー) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  53. The Virtuality Cap (実感帽) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  54. Brotherly Seal (兄弟シール) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  55. The Invincible Red Insect (コンチュー丹) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  56. Time Machine (タイムマシン) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  57. Inorganic Soporific Megaphone (無生物さいみんメガフォン) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  58. The Railroad Crossing Kit (ふみきりセット) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  59. Thrilling Boomerang (スリルブーメラン) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  60. The Millionaire Straw (チョージャワラシベ) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  61. The Debut of the Mood-Changing Orchestra! (ムードもり上げ楽団登場!) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  62. Homing Missile (ミサイルが追ってくる) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  63. The Yes-M'Lord Drops (コーモンじょう) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  64. The Delivery Phone (出前電話) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  65. The Ticked-Off Timer (ムシャクシャカーっときたら) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  66. Salvation Pill At The Eleventh Hour (ピンチの時にタスケロン) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  67. Talk Badge (おはなしバッジ) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  68. The Head of the Gorgon (恐怖!!ゴルゴンの首) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  69. The Couple Test Badges (カップルテストバッジ) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  70. Chain Letter Club (不幸の手紙同好会)(FOUND)
  71. The Talent Painter Who Could Draw Outlook Cap Without Rim (みたままベレーで天才画家) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  72. Visional Call System (架空通話アダプター) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  73. My Love Just Won't Stop~Meow (好きでたまらニャイ) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  74. Shizuka's Magic Robe (しずちゃんのはごろも) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  75. It Floats in the Sky (空でふわふわ) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  76. The Multi-Purpose Charm (多目的おまもり) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  77. Draw Cartoon in Can! (「かんづめかん」でまんがを!) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  78. The Tax Bird (税金鳥) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  79. The Explosion Pepper (ばくはつこしょう) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  80. The Liquid Fecit the Force Scope (ナワバリエキス) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  81. The Weather Sheet (気象シート) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  82. The Universal Remote Control (マジ・コンてなんだ?) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  83. The Lost-Item Delivery Machine (わすれ物おくりとどけ機) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  84. Change To Clouds...? (雲になって...?) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  85. Chip Pocket Two-Dimensional Camera (チッポケット2次元カメラ) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  86. A Hot Blood Support Microphone (「オモイコミン」)(FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  87. Hypnosis Glasses (さいみんグラス) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  88. The Blue Bird of Happiness (しあわせをよぶ青い鳥) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  89. Mountain Climbing In The Garden (庭で山のぼり) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  90. Canned Noise (騒音公害をカンヅメにしちゃえ) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  91. The Ultra Super Batteries (ウルトラスーパー電池) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  92. Miniwind (ミニたいふう) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  93. Let's Make a Dorayaki with Bacteria (細菌でドラやきを作ろう) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  94. Save The Beetle! (黒べえをすくえ!) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  95. The Speedwinder! (ネジまいてハッスル!) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  96. Plan of Shoot (影取りプロジェクター) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  97. The Money Hasn't Enough (してない貯金を使う法) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  98. Energetic Shill (元気エサ) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  99. Water Gas (水ぞくかんガス) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  100. Let's Increase the Holidays (祝祭日をふやそう) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  101. Cooperate with Examinees! (受験生に協力!) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  102. Butterfly (ちょうちょ) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  103. The Deluxe Light (デラックスライト) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  104. It's the Secret Passage to Run Away (秘密のぬけ穴) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  105. Michisuji Card (みちすじカード) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  106. I Got on a Steam Locomotive (蒸気機関車に乗ったよ) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  107. Combination Of Watching Free Of Charge (ただ見セット) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  108. Attractive Replusion Gas (引力さえぎりガス) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  109. Spider Web Cable (クモイトン) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  110. Here's a Pussy (ここほれニャンニャン) (MISSING)
  111. The Devil's Hand is Approaching! (魔の手がせまる!) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  112. Our Own House (ぼくたちだけの家) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  113. The Money Bees Are Working Hard (カネバチはよく働く) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  114. Gravity Machine (重力ちょうせつ機) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  115. I'm a Magician! (ぼくは手品師!) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  116. Obtaining Bag (とりよせバッグ) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  117. Fancy Lens (空想レンズ) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  118. Reverse(逆もどし) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  119. Shogeki Wave Pistol (しょうげき波ピストル) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  120. The Sniffy Octopus (スカンタコ) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  121. Sound Bakachon (サウンドバカチョン) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  122. Radio Control Soil (ラジコンねん土) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  123. Happy Little Planet (しあわせのお星さま) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  124. With The Almighty Camp You'll Have A Great Camping (万能テントですてきなキャンプ) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  125. Future Checkbook (未来小切手帳) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  126. Mini Pet Lion (ミニペットライオン) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  127. Universal Glass (万能グラス) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  128. Transform with the Dracula Set! (ドラキュラセット) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  129. Take a Commemorative Photo with a Thought Camera (念写カメラで記念写真を) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  130. Let's Ride the Blue Train (ブルートレインにのろう) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  131. The Happy Promenade (ハッピープロムナード) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  132. The Time Scope (切りかえ式タイムスコープ) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  133. Katakiuchi at Chushin Kura (チューシン倉でかたきうち) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  134. Time, Stop (時間よ、止まれ) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  135. Soft Clay (ふんわりねんど) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  136. Materials Quality Changing Machine (材質変かん機) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  137. Snowless Skiing (雪のないスキー) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  138. Weak Ghosts (よわいおばけ) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  139. Manga Artist (まんがか) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  140. Substitute Necklace (みがわりペンダント) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  141. Combining Glue (合体ノリ) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  142. Four-Dimensional Cycling (四次元サイクリング) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  143. Self-made Doll (自どう人形げき) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  144. Haunted Tsuzura (お化けツヅラ) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  145. Owl Man, Hero of Justice (フクロマンスーツ) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  146. Fanta Glasses (ファンタグラス) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  147. The Eyes Have It (手足七本目が三つ) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  148. Water Striders (あめんぼう) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  149. The Real Board Game (人間すごろく) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  150. Heart Cologne (ココロコロン) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  151. Power Screwing Machine (いん力ねじまげ機) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  152. Fashion Virus (流行性ネコシャクシビールス) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  153. Kurulin Car (クルリンじどうしゃ) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  155. The Magnet of Round Things (まるいものじ石) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  156. The Pain Rebound Mirror (いたみはねかえりミラー) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  157. Weekly Nobita (週刊のび太) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  158. The Momotaro Jirushi Millet Dumplings (もも太郎印きびだんご) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  159. The Good Luck/Bad Luck Duo (ふくびんコンビ) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  160. A Candy That Turns into Animals (動物に化けるキャンデー) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  161. The Crowd-be-Gone Gyro (人よけジャイロ) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  162. Plant Pen (植物ペン) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  163. To Perform in TV with the Touch Camera (タッチカメラでテレビ出演) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  164. The Wishing Star Fireworks (ねがい星花火) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  165. Creating the Earth (地球製造法) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  166. Bottle Cap Collection (王かんコレクション) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  167. Yacht Adventure (ヨット大冒険) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  168. O.K Microphone (オーケーマイク) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  169. A Magic Glasses (未来收音机) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  170. Animal Language (どうぶつごヘッドホン) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  171. Seasons Can (きせつカンヅメ) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  172. Self Confidence Helmet (自信ヘルメット) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  173. Model Letter Pen (もはん手紙ペン) (FOUND OF INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  174. The Proud Nobita (いばり屋のび太) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  175. The Time Watch (タンマウオッチ) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  176. The Emotion Pistol (ゲラメソプンピストル) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  177. Delivery Mirror (分身かがみ) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  178. Fighting Machine (ケンカマシン) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  179. Spring Return Button (しゅん間リターンボタン) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  180. The Superlungs (強力ハイポンプガス) (FOUND)
  181. Down with the Gians! (ジャイアンをやっつけろ!) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  182. Water Cassette (しあわせな人魚姫) (FOUND ON TWITTER)
  183. The Interactive TV (わりこみビデオでテレビ出演) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  184. Justice Rope (せいぎロープ) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  185. A Dinosaur Came (恐竜がきた) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  186. Doraemon the Prankster (いたずらドラえもん) (MISSING)
  187. Magnifying Glass (虫めがね) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  188. Shopping with Leaves (この葉で買物) (FOUND)
  189. Transparent Paint (透明ペンキ) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  190. Dream Glasses (ゆめグラス) (FOUND)
  191. Hearted Chocolate (ココロチョコ) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  192. The Pass Loop (通りぬけフープ) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  193. Enjoying Memories With a Recording Machine (録験機で楽しもう) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  194. The Cloud of Clay (くものねん土) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  195. The Maze Wheel (ホームメイロ) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  196. Change Opinion Gun (アワセール) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  197. Which One is Trying to be Troublesome!? (面倒みるのはどっち!?) (FOUND)
  198. Toraemon has Appeared (トラえもん登場) (FOUND)
  199. Make a Home Anime (ホームアニメを作ろう) (FOUND)
  200. I Want to be a Dog (いぬになりたい) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  201. The Water Repellent Rope (水よけロープ) (FOUND)
  202. Animal Set (動物セット) (FOUND)
  203. Who is the Rain Man!? (雨男はだれだ!?) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  204. Ultra Ring (ウルトラリング) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  205. Mysterious Crayon (ふしぎなクレヨン) (FOUND)
  206. Nobita's Land of Chamberlain (チャンバラのび太ランド) (FOUND)
  207. The Psychic Mic (念録マイク) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  208. The Automatic Cashier of Compensation (イシャ料しはらい機) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  209. Fashionable Camera (おしゃれカメラ) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  210. Anything Tap (なんでも蛇口) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  211. The Slope Switch (さかみちレバー) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  212. Refreshing Summer at the Mini-House (ミニハウスでさわやかな夏) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  213. Your Eyes Have One Million Volts (きみのひとみは100万ボルト) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  214. The Be-There Phone (おしかけ電話) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  215. Speed-Adjusting Watch (あとがこわい!) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  216. Special Bonsai (フエールうえ木ばち) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  217. Nose Balloons (はなバルーン) (FOUND)
  218. Dream Pillow (ゆめまくら) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  219. Instant Object Mobile (物体しゅん間い動機) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  220. Invisibility Eye Drop (とう明人間目ぐすり) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  221. Doraemon's Bell Disappeared (ドラえもんの鈴そうどう) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  222. Happy-Go-Lucky Soap (福笑い石けん) (MISSING)
  223. The Get Started Pistol (すぐやるガン) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  224. House Feeling Converter (家の感じ変かん器) (MISSING)
  225. My Guardian Paper (まもり紙) (MISSING)
  226. Entirely Crayon (そっくりクレヨン) (MISSING)
  227. Forced Savings Box (むりやり貯金ばこ) (MISSING)
  228. Who Wants a Puppy? (ノゾミルじゅう) (MISSING)
  229. Playing in an Iceberg (巨大流氷で遊ぼう) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  230. Sorcery Watch (まほうのとけい) (MISSING)
  231. A Graph that Never Lies (グラフはウソをつかない) (MISSING)
  232. The Happiness Gas (ヘソリンスタンド) (MISSING)
  233. The Popular Guise Badge (みせかけモテモテバッジ) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  234. The Spy Satellites (スパイ衛星) (MISSING)
  235. Robot Clothing (ロボットふく) (FOUND)
  236. Melody Gas (メロディーガス) (MISSING)
  237. The Move Mimicker (まねコン) (FOUND)
  238. Doraemon's Girlfriend (ドラえもんのガールフレンド) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  239. Mini Aquarium (ミニ水族館) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  240. Rebuild the Battered Inn (オンボロ旅館をたてなおせ) (MISSING)
  241. Test Robot (テスト・ロボット) (MISSING)
  242. Feudal Lord Coming (とのさまがきた) (MISSING)
  243. The Foldable House (おりたたみハウス) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  244. The Seed to Feel Cheerful (その気になる実) (MISSING)
  245. Momotaro Jirushi's Millet Dumplings (ももたろうのきびだんご) (MISSING)
  246. I'm an Esper! (ぼくはエスパーだ!) (FOUND ON DAILYMOTION)
  247. The Space Exploration Sugoroku (宇宙たんけんすごろく) (MISSING)
  248. The Worldwide Flood (世界沈没) (MISSING)
  249. A Mirror That Guesses Thoughts (こころのぞきミラー) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  250. The Horrors of Gian's Birthday (ジャイアンのたん生日) (FOUND)
  251. Day Changing Calendar (日づけ変更カレンダー) (FOUND)
  252. Nobita and Doraemon's Christmas! Part 1 (ドラとのび太のクリスマス!(前)) (MISSING)
  253. Nobita and Doraemon's Christmas! Part 2 (ドラとのび太のクリスマス!(後)) (MISSING)
  254. Mini Santa (ミニサンタ) (MISSING)
  255. A Snowstorm Machine (ゆきふらし) (FOUND)
  256. A Real Dream (ほんもの夢) (MISSING)


  1. Room Swimmer (ルームスイマー) (FOUND)









  1. Air Conditioning Photo (エアコンフォト) (FOUND)




  1. Butterfly Letters (ちょうちょレター) (FOUND)















  1. (PILOT EPISODE) - The Fishing Pond in My Study Room (勉強部屋のつりぼり) (FOUND)
  2. Doraemon's Time Capsule for 2001 (タイムマシンでお正月) (MISSING)
  3. Doraemon's Surprised All Encyclopedia (ドラえもんのびっ くり全百科) (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  4. The Elephant and the Uncle (ゾウとおじさん) (FOUND)
  5. Dora・Q・Perman (ドラ.Q.パーマン) (MISSING)
  6. Dorami's Appearance: Nobita's Hiking Submarine (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  7. Surprised All Encyclopedia: Doraemon and Dorami-chan (MISSING)
  8. Nobita's Dream Gold Metal (FOUND ON INTERNET ARCHIVE)
  9. Nessie's Coming! (MISSING)