Our featured guests come from different climates, like how Jake's neighbor, Zack the Arctic Fox, lives in the Arctic tundra, and Doreen the Camel lives in the scorching hot desert. Stinky has Bunnie work the thermostat for the guests.
- Opening
- That's Amazing
- Guest: Zack the Arctic Fox
- Baby Talk
- Song
- Tizzy's Quiz
- Yves St. La Roach
- Guest: Doreen the Camel
- Song
- Animal Awards
- Story
- Habitat Time
- Tizzy's Quiz
- Closing
- Dave Goelz as Stinky
- Steve Whitmire as Jake
- Bill Barretta as Armstrong
- Louise Gold as Bunnie, Tizzy, and Doreen the Camel
- John Eccleston as Yves St. La Roach and Zack the Arctic Fox