Fifi and the Flowertots is a British stop-motion children's television series created by Keith Chapman. The show follows a forget-me-not flowertot named Fifi and her other flowertot friends as they go on adventures and do many activities in the garden they live in.
A Latin American Spanish dub exists with the name "Fifi y los Floriguitos". it aired on Discovery Kids on 13 December 2005 and Nick Jr. in 31 June, 2009. This dub hasn't no videos uploaded how ever there is the Latin American Spanish theme song with credits (not in Spanish) and dubbed on Lypsinc Audiovideo (series 1) in Venezuela and Doblajes Internacionales DINT (series 2-3) in Chile. Series 3 is the only series not aired on Discovery Kids. Is it unknown when series 3 aired, possibly on Nick Jr. Lati America. Also, two full episodes were found. These are Mud Spies (Tartas de Lodo) and Big Band Night (Un Concierto Desastroso).