Gordon Bleugh is a 2000 found Nickelodeon short series which aired from 2000 to 2005 in the United States and UK. The shorts are claymation/stopmotion in nature, and are animated by Neville Buchanan. The shorts follow the misadventures of a claymation, anthropomorphic green frog in a chef's costume, often facing mishaps like malfunctioning equipment or a fly buzzing around the kitchen. All 3 shorts are found as of today.
The short series centers around an amateur French chef, Gordon Bleugh the frog, as he causes mayhem in the kitchen while attempting to cook.
Neville Buchanan, creator of Gordon Bleugh, describes the short's production, through LinkedIn:
"Director and Stop Frame Animator
Directing Animation Editing and lighting for 3 episodes for NICKLEODEONS mad Frog GORDON BLEURGH.
This work was undertaken in the A for Animation studios in Bristol. I used my own Stop Motion Equipment on the stage they provided to achieve this production."
Mandy, the International Film & TV Production Service, notes that only three shorts were ever animated.
On April 14, 2015, a user named RegShowPics discovered multiple pieces of media from Gordon Bleugh, one of which appears to be the aforementioned insect disrupting Gordon's kitchen. The picture can be seen here, from Neville Buchanan's official website.
Also discovered was a half-second clip from a 25th anniversary montage video for A for Animation studios. The clip depicts Gordon calmly smashing a hammer down on an off-screen table. The clip is at the 26-second mark of this video.
UPDATE 12/31/15 Finally, one of the shorts has been found!
Thanks to YouTube users What a Cartoon! 2 and easportsbig899.
UPDATE 10/9/2016 The Worms short is found! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FA5d8cwc4H0
UPDATE 4/17/2017 The Gingerbread Men short is found! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbGY_k_9dI4
UPDATE: The Gingerbread Men short is no longer on YouTube, and is now considered lost again. Help us find it again!
FINAL UPDATE: Gingerbread Men short is found again here: https://archive.org/details/youtube-GbGY_k_9dI4
Contributor RegShowPics has sent Neville Buchanan several messages across several different platforms, requesting the release of footage of Gordon Bleugh. A response is pending.
Meanwhile, YouTube user What a Cartoon! 2 has uploaded one of the shorts, and it can be viewed through the link above.
2 more shorts were uploaded to YouTube, and as an result, all the shorts are finally found, meaning "Gordon Bleugh!" is now no longer lost.
But, the "Gingerbread Men" short became lost again later on, meaning it's back to being lost again, until it was found on archive.org.
- International Film & TV Production Service on Neville Buchanan & "Gordon Bleugh": Retrieved March 23, 2015.
- ToonZone Forum post from 2004, describing the then-unnamed short: Retrieved March 23, 2015.
- ToonZone Forum post from later that month, confirming the name of the short: Retrieved March 23, 2015.