Higglytown Heroes is an American animated children's television series that aired on the Playhouse Disney block on Disney Channel in the United States. It was aired in Spain at Playhouse Disney in 2005 (According eldoblaje.com) but It's unknown when it stopped airing, It possible that it stopped airing when Playhouse Disney Spain rebranded into Disney Junior Spain, because until now, there is no evidence that it has been broadcast on Disney Junior Spain or a commercial from this show with some their characters talking.
No episodes with the castilian dub are found. His only evidence that he has is the information on eldoblaje.com of the actors from the dub (It's unknown who Fran's voice was in Castilian Spanish), the theme song in Castilian and Someone Special song from the episode "A Really Hot Day". The first six lyrics from the song are very different to the from latin spanish dub.
Unfortunately, the last video mentioned, was deleted and now it's impossible to hear the voices of the main characters in Castilian Spanish.
Another update: Since Disney doesn't care about the show, if you search Les Heroes de Higglytown, you will find some episodes.
DVD Releases[]
Others evidence (Not exactly the dub)[]
- UPDATE 1: I found an "Es mi cumpleaños" bumper for Playhouse Disney. At the beginning of the video it appears accidentally, an "A Continuación" bumper from this show, it doesn't have much to do with the dub itself, but it counts as evidence. (Written by Jesus Valdes Aran)