Kung-Foot is a 2007 (or 2009) French, anime-influenced, sports, comedy, family, children's animated television series. It was co-created by Thibaut Chatel and Patrice Mithois. It was produced by Label Anim, and TF1 with co-production by AB Productions, Hosem Animation Studios, TPS Jeunesse, and Teletoon. It ran for one season and 26 episodes.
11 kids (seven boys, four girls) share a love for soccer and together they participate in playing it. But it's not just any ordinary game of soccer because it's unusual and extraordinary. It involves using a mix of martial arts and each of the kids' various, other, specialized skills. They learn the techniques of playing from their coach, Pat Murphy, an ex-player who is just as unusual and extraordinary as kung-foot.
At least a few dubs, certain episodes, and clips are available on Youtube and Dailymotion, but no English dub of the series. All that is available of the English dub is the promo of the show. More of the English dub has yet to appear online.