Lisa is a preschool animated TV series made by Swedish cartoonist Magnus Carlsson (creator of Robin and The Three Friends and Jerry) in 1998 until 2001. Produced by HiT Entertainment, TMO-Loonland Film GmbH and Happy Life Animation, the series that tells the story of a little girl and her interpretations on what goes on in her world and solves problems in her own unique way. The series had an English dub that was recorded in the United Kingdom, which aired on Nick Jr. along with Bob the Builder, Wildlife and James the Cat. It later aired in the early to mid-2000s on HBO Family in the US and on ABC in Australia in between programmes. While most of the series can be found in its' native language of Sweden, only one episode has appeared online in English until Dycaite found a VHS copy titled Lisa's Space Adventure with included all dubbed episodes and released it on 9 September 2015 for Found Media Week. We can also download here.
One of the differences between the original Swedish version and the English dub, is that the Swedish version was narrated in third-person just like in Robin; while the English dub is narrated in first-person.