Little Bill: In The Hood is a lost animated movie made as a follow-up to the original Little Bill series, with a 15 year time-skip. It was supposed to be a story about Little Bill growing up to be a drug dealer and stuck in the hood. It started production in late 2007, with a release date aimed towards summer 2008. It was later cancelled for unknown reasons.
15 years later, and Little Bill is all grown up. Within those 15 years, life was rough and Little Bill is now homeless on the streets of the hood. Feeling that the only way out was selling drugs, selling drugs is what Little Bill did. As Little Bill, now known as "Lil Bill" started to make lots of money. He was the richest guy in the hood. He started getting into fights with people trying to rob him, so to become tougher, Lil Bill started working out. That still didn't help, so he joined a gang. The gang consisted of 3 other tough guys alongside Bill. They won a lot of fights, but 2 months later, a drive-by happened with a random guy shooting the gang. Lil Bill and everyone involved died.