Little Einsteins is a children's television show that aired on Playhouse Disney (now Disney Junior) that was created by Disney and The Baby Einstein Company. But long before its debut, an early preview of the show appeared on the previews for the Baby Einstein DVD/VHS tapes Language Nursery, Baby Shakespeare, Baby Mozart, Baby Santa, Baby Bach, Baby Van Gogh, Neighborhood Animals, World Animals, Baby Neptune, Baby Newton, Baby Vivaldi, Baby Beethoven, Baby Galileo, Numbers Nursery, Baby MacDonald, and possibly Baby Noah are releases in 2004.
This is said to be extremely rare to find and a video of this has not surfaced, though footage once appeared on a defunct Disney wiki page. The photos were taken by user Dinojungle but later removed by the Disney wiki because of plagiarism.
The preview has a stay tuned bumper with Leo, Annie, Quincy and June sitting in rocket. Execpt for Baby Noah 2004 DVD, Baby da Vinci 2004 DVD & VHS & Baby Monet 2005 DVD
The promo itself has rocket flying around places and the Little Einsteins at the playground swinging on swings and singing execpt for Baby da Vinci 2004 DVD & VHS, Baby Monet 2005 DVD & VHS
The footage was uploaded to YouTube in 2015 with the names Little Einsteins Promo and Extremely Rare Little Einsteins Early Preview but they were both removed.
The Opening Theme was re uploaded by Spuffy with a Image of the Pilot. ItzSpuffy also got a clip of the preview and cropped out the Image and made it png.
The animation was produced at Boulder Media in Dublin, Ireland.
some information
Little Einstein™ is a new and exciting, interactive program for preschoolers. Created by The Baby Einstein Company, Little Einstein will take kids on a fun and musical, interactive, exploration of the real-world, provoking their curiosity and actively seeking their participation. Little Einstein will be anchored by a television series featuring animated characters in the real-world -- bringing a whole new look and feel to children’s programming.
The series will launch on Disney Channel’s Playhouse Disney block in October 2005 in North America. You and your preschooler can meet the characters and see a sneak preview of their first mission in July 2005 when they debut on a Direct-to-DVD and video that will be available in the U.S. and Canada. The series will launch Internationally in 2006.
The first pilot and second pilots are now both partially found. The first pilot has an ocean theme and is titled "Ocean Adventure" along with a picture featuring Cosmobile and the early versions of the characters underwater as well as pictures featuring Annie not wanting to go to the ocean, as well as Cosmobile flying from the canyon home with their playground to the farmfield to a lost scene where they dive into the bottom of the ocean. The script was also found, revealing that the plot follows them meeting a seahorse, playing with the seahorse, learning all about seahorses and their camouflage ability, and returning it to his family. The mission was less like the one from the final series and more like playtime. The classical music used was only 2 ocean-themed ones like Chopin's The Ocean. The first pilot was science themed as opposed to the second pilot and final show's theme of classical music.