Little Einsteins is an American-animated educational television series from the creators of The Baby Einstein Company, partnered alongside with Disney. The show aired from October 9th, 2005 to December 22nd, 2009, and re-ran until Playhouse Disney's closing in February 2011. The show re-aired on Disney Junior as well from 2011 to 2019.
A Macedonian dub of the show exists and had aired on the Macedonian television channel, A1, lasting in two years of broadcasting.
During the date of July 31st, 2011, A1 was taken off of broadcasting due to the channel being bankrupt from a debt of €30 million from the owner, Velija Ramkovski. He is currently behind bars.
Because of this, it's difficult to obtain any footage of this dub or any other info about it.
The only footage provided is the first season intro, the ending part of an episode titled "Little Red Rockethood", along with the curtain call. The credits were translated also.
aslo, ChronicsPlayz has several CDs of full episodes of this Dub, which his father recorded back then for him to watch. If He can find the CDs He might upload these on YouTube, they're in his now dead grandmother's house, stored along with other pieces of Macedonian Media.
07/10/18 UPDATE:There is an A1 archived site. on a list, it includes Little Einsteins, Sadly, Little Einsteins does not have a page. If it did, then we would find clips. Link:
Macedonian title: Мали Ајнштајни