Squeaky Bum (FOUND)
Colin clones himself into 16 Colins (FOUND)
Rooftop running with athlete (FOUND)
Helicopter (FOUND)
Turtle (FOUND)
Plane (FOUND)
Rooftop stepping on Beat (FOUND)
Rooftop & Beat skateboarding (FOUND)
Baseball (FOUND)
Rooftop stepping on Beat & Spoon (FOUND)
Merry-Go-Round (FOUND)
Rooftop watching the television called animal & eating food (FOUND)
Vehicles (FOUND)
Photo Booth: Colin (FOUND)
Beat in a lawn chair (FOUND)
Colin flies away (FOUND)
Rooftop as a helicopter (FOUND)
Photo Booth: Rooftop (FOUND)
Photo Booth: Spoon (FOUND)
Rooftop putting up a picture (LOST)
Colin getting hit by a bus (LOST)
Beat makes his friend (LOST)
Spoon makes his friend (LOST)
Rooftop makes his friend (LOST)
Spoon, Beat and Rooftop eating (LOST)
Colin Control (LOST)
Colin in an obstacle course (PARTIALLY FOUND)