Maggie and the Ferocious Beast is a Canadian animated TV show for preschoolers. The show is produced by Corus. Along with Oswald, Franklin, Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends and Caillou. When Maggie and the Ferocious Beast came to the United Kingdom, a British English dub of the show was produced, with the Canadian actors using British accents. It is a studio who recorded the dub, but it might have been by Nelvana while The Little Music Company did the voice editing. Only the first, the second and the 3rd seasons were dubbed. The dub aired on Channel 5 and Milkshake! in 2000, 2001 and 2002.
Found Episodes[]
All episodes have been found with the dub.
Known Voice Actors[]
The credits using Canadian actors despite being redubbed with a British actors, so here's a possible list:
- Maggie - Louise Goldstein
- Hamilton - David Holt
- Beast - David Holt
- Rudy - David Holt
- Archie - (retain role from the original Canadian version)
- Nedley - David Holt
- Kindly Giant - David Holt
- The Triplets - (retain roles from the original Canadian version)
- 6 Jelly Beans - Bob Golding/Louise Goldstein/David Holt
- Purple Jelly Bean - (retain role from the original Canadian version)
- The Moo Sisters - (retain roles from the original Canadian version)
- B. B. Katz - (retain role from the original Canadian version)