In 2011, Ray William Johnson created a game by the name of "My Balls" after the success of the YFM song of the same name, It was a Adobe Flash game about Puff-Puff from YFM's balls but the Flash files, etc were never archived. The cover of the game was found on a capture of ray's site. It is currently unavailable due to the fact it was in flash and it isn't working properly, it was also a reskin of another game called Cheepers 2.
In 2023, user called Aaryn dv atkinson found the assets for the game he then uploaded them to YouTube alongside the soundtrack, also gameplay was found rendering it partially found for a while.
In 2024, a another user called JakesToons found a working version of the game on and a capture of Drderico's site.
Here is the game in its full glory.