Lost Media Archive

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Lost Media Archive
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MYOGA word mark

The Korean logo

Myo & Ga is a supposed Spanish-Korean TV show made by VOOZ (the creators of Pucca and Canimals) and co-produced by Imira Entertainment, music directed by Studio DOMA[1], and distributed internationally by Disney.[2][3] The show was bound to air on Jetix/Disney XD[4][5] (almost worldwide, including Latin America), Disney Channel in the Middle East[6], CBBC in the UK[4], M6 Kid in France[7], and Tooniverse in South Korea[8][9], but has only been shown on SBS once, along with KiKa[10] and Tooniverse.[11][12][13][14][15][16] It was also known that the series was also going to be distributed via DVD in Chile by Anime Kingdom (who made the chilean Pucca DVDs).[17]

A Myo&Ga character statue has been used for an Korean Park known as "Barbecue Zone Park" around 2024.[18]

Known Media[]

  • 2006, 2007 and 2011 episodes
    • Flash Animations[19][20][21][22]
      • Status: Lost (Were once avaliable on the 2007 Vooz website alongside the Mom~ Canimal: Can You Survive? animations) The first flash animation episode was uploaded to a Thai website called dek-d.com[23], although the .SWF file for it was unarchived on the Wayback Machine, making it still lost as of now.
    • 2006 Trailer
      • Status: Found (The main trailer on the Myo & Ga Club website, the trailer was also reuploaded to Youku on October 23rd, 2006[24])
    • First Encounter (2006)
      • Status: Partially Found (Images of the episode can be seen in wallpapers of the MyoGaClub website, an ILoveCharacter magazine[25], in an "Participating Companies Directory" book for the Seoul Character Fair 2007[26] and an Daum Cafe post[27])
    • First Encounter (2007)
      • Status: Partially Lost (An unfinished version of the episode has been posted by the user djnamnam in Vimeo[28], but the scenes with Co are not fully rendered)
    • Skip Skip Sk![29] (2007)
      • Status: Found (The episode was posted by djnamnam in Vimeo as well.)
    • Unnamed bear-related episode (2007)
      • Status: Partially Found (A clip of the episode has been posted by Studio DOMA on YouTube[30], and episode screenshots[31][32] have been posted to several different sites)
    • Winter-related episode[11] (2007)
      • Status: Partially Found (A screenshot of the episode, as well as images of the episode being screened at the 2009 Seoul Character Fair have been found)
    • Bungee-Jump (2007)
      • Status: Partially Found (the episode was released on DVD in South Korea[33] and some screenshots of the episode can be found on a website that lists the individual contents of the DVD.[34] The episode was also screened at the Seoul Character & Licensing Fair 2009.[35] The episode also had a upload to the Chinese video platform Youku that is now unavailable.[36]
    • Unnamed episode where the Rabbits capture Myo & Ga[37]
      • Status: Partially Found (May come from another lost episode listed here, but its existence is unconfirmed)
  • Myo & Ga comic book series[38] (published by VOOZfirm[39], possibly 2006-2008)
    • Status: Lost (They were seemingly scrapped as they never released, first confirmed by Canimals Stuff/PrototypeProject in the Canimals Prototype Project Wiki.)
  • MyoGaClub website
  • Myo & Ga: The Life of a Hero Flash Game
    • Status: Found, can be found and is playable on several websites. The game also used to be avaliable to be purchased for 10 acorns on Cyworld's gift shop.[40] The game was made for Cyworld.[41][42]

Show Synopsis[]


Myo and Ga are heroes for our time. Their quest - to track down the mysterious Dragon Pearl of Wong and save the natural world from destruction. The trouble is, Myo's a rabbit, Ga's a turtle, their best friend's a chicken and they have no idea where to start.[43]


The Animation ‘Myo&Ga’ is a comic adventure story about a Tortoise ‘Ga’, who came land to find a medicine for the King of Ocean, and ‘Myo’, who lives in a mountain of waste. They look for the medicine in a polluted world to naturally delivering the message about the importance of environmental care.[44]

NAVER Search[]

The adventure story of a rabbit, a turtle, and a chicken as they explore the world together.[12]

Daum Search[]

An animation depicting the adventures of the curious turtle “Ga” who lives by the sea and embarks on a journey to an unfamiliar land with a curiosity about life on land, along with the braggart rabbit “Myo”.[45]

VOOZ.co.kr (2018 website)[]

People with different goals. An uneasy alliance![46]

Known Info[]

The series was directed by Myriam Ballesteros (Imira's Cofounder and Creative Director, creator and director of Lola & Virginia, Sandra the Fairytale Detective, and Lucky Fred) and Sergi Reitg(Imira's CEO and Cofounder), and written by Rebecca Stevens (Mr. Bean, Postman Pat).[43][47] Rebecca Stevens wrote the series' bible, storylines and pilot scripts.[48] (Two pilots were supposedly written by her for the series)[49] Before it was to premiere as a full series on TV, the series was shown on KiKA (Germany), SBS (South Korea) and Tooniverse (South Korea). In December of 2010, COAN Studio (the creators of Coomao) were outsourced by VOOZ to produce storyboards for Myo & Ga.[50]


The series was first conceptualized in 1995/1996[51][52] and was originally titled "Dory & Boogy"[53][54][55][56], and this version was vastly different from the version known as Myo & Ga. Dory (Myo) and Boogy (Ga) both had very different personalities and this version had a tiger named Huri and a frog named Chenji[57] as other prominent characters.

Dory & Boogy had Wallpapers, Icons[57] and a Winamp Skin released on the Vooz website.[58][59]

In 2005, the series was known as "Mo and Ga" and still had the characters from Dory & Boogy, although Ga recieved a redesign which would be exclusive to this version. This would be the last version to feature Huri and Chenji. This version was shown at the 2005 LIMA Show/Licensing International Expo.[60][38]




  1. https://m.blog.naver.com/coke277/30077419335
  2. https://catalanfilms.cat/es/comunicacion/noticias/en-desarrollo/encuentro-de-desarrollo-en-barcelona-entre-los-coproductores-de-myo-ga
  3. https://vimeo.com/466053203
  4. 4.0 4.1 https://blog.naver.com/forolive/70035049484
  5. https://cincodias.elpais.com/cincodias/2011/06/08/empresas/1307540399_850215.html
  6. https://www.linkedin.com/in/wiredoll/details/experience/
  7. https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/M6_Kid
  8. https://m.blog.naver.com/PostView.naver?blogId=smj831119&logNo=90034012138&targetKeyword=%EB%AC%98%26%EA%B0%80%20%EB%BF%8C%EA%B9%8C&targetRecommendationCode=1&keywordSearchType=TEXT
  9. https://k66google.tistory.com/496
  10. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blaub%C3%A4r_und_Bl%C3%B6d
  11. 11.0 11.1 https://n.news.naver.com/mnews/article/020/0000431018
  12. 12.0 12.1 https://m.search.naver.com/search.naver?where=m&sm=mtb_etc&mra=bjkw&x_csa=%7B%22pkid%22%3A%2257%22%2C%20%22isOpen%22%3Afalse%2C%20%22tab%22%3A%22default_info%22%7D&pkid=57&os=661377&qvt=0&query=%EB%AC%98%EC%95%A4%EA%B0%80%20%EC%A0%95%EB%B3%B4
  13. https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%ED%88%AC%EB%8B%88%EB%B2%84%EC%8A%A4
  14. https://www.jisiklog.com/qa/4588518
  15. https://blog.naver.com/unsocianob55/50038262670
  16. https://blog.naver.com/forolive/70035049484
  17. https://branddb.wipo.int/es/quicksearch/brand/CL502008000844618?sort=score%20desc&start=30&rows=30&asStructure=%7B%22_id%22:%22b2bb%22,%22boolean%22:%22AND%22,%22bricks%22:%5B%7B%22_id%22:%22b2bc%22,%22key%22:%22brandName%22,%22value%22:%22myo%20ga%22,%22strategy%22:%22Simple%22%7D%5D%7D&_=1704907285150&fg=_void_&i=22
  18. https://blog.naver.com/juh2799/223407414872
  19. https://namu.wiki/w/토끼전
  20. https://web.archive.org/web/20080701000000*/http://www.vooz.co.kr:80/2007_vooz/en/html/myoga_01.html
  21. https://web.archive.org/web/20080623000000*/http://www.vooz.co.kr:80/2007_vooz/en/html/myoga_03.html
  22. https://web.archive.org/web/20080620000000*/http://www.vooz.co.kr:80/2007_vooz/en/html/myoga_05.html
  23. https://web.archive.org/web/20080215234515/http://www.dek-d.com/content/viewcartoon.php?id=209
  24. https://vo.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjU2MjUy.html
  25. https://www.moazine.com/viewer/index.asp?s_i=1&a_i=ERFEr10BZjI2IXtGk1lnPjc1&type=&rtnurl=%2Fdefault%2FArticle_detail.asp%3Farticleid%3D1014592#page/3
  26. https://blog.naver.com/ig0707/220033443994
  27. https://cafe.daum.net/antfactory/FBD6/18/
  28. https://vimeo.com/24963027
  29. https://vimeo.com/24963458
  30. https://youtu.be/6krIH8b0sWg
  31. https://n.news.naver.com/mnews/article/079/0000193968
  32. https://www.instagram.com/p/6hqP4WmoPI/
  33. https://www.koreafilm.or.kr/library/search/video/00044079
  34. https://www.kmdb.or.kr/db/kor/detail/movie/K/09803
  35. https://blog.naver.com/furyybh79/140089281742
  36. https://graph.baidu.com/s?card_key=&entrance=GENERAL&extUiData%5BisLogoShow%5D=1&f=all&isLogoShow=1&session_id=3580562293771000373&sign=1266dfcc35d610ff7139d01726655344&tpl_from=pc
  37. https://v.daum.net/v/20070607060021490
  38. 38.0 38.1 https://www.hani.co.kr/arti/economy/economy21/71499.html
  39. https://v.daum.net/v/20060724184105053
  40. https://web.archive.org/web/20060516153357/http://cyworld.nate.com/mall/mall5_game_main.asp?wishid=
  41. https://web.archive.org/web/20200417172527/http://www.myogaclub.com/image/game/MYO&GA_cyG.swf
  42. http://game.ee1234.com/code/?file=/datafile/txt/81/36281.swf_res/36281_swfdata.txt
  43. 43.0 43.1 https://www.filmaffinity.com/en/film161471.html
  44. https://hablemosdedisney2.mforos.com/1822798/10300715-serie-tv-myo-ga-the-life-of-a-hero/#google_vignette
  45. https://search.daum.net/search?nil_suggest=btn&w=tot&DA=SBC&q=%EB%AC%98%26%EA%B0%80+
  46. https://web.archive.org/web/20180329182652/http://vooz.co.kr:80/character/myo-and-ga/
  47. https://playmax.mx/myo-ga-f129284
  48. https://theagency.co.uk/the-clients/rebecca-stevens/
  49. https://uk.linkedin.com/in/rebecca-stevens-73033136
  50. https://www.saramin.co.kr/zf_user/company-info/view/csn/SGRYYytZYmk5UHc5akxidWsralQwdz09/company_nm/(%EC%A3%BC)%EC%BD%94%EC%95%88%EC%8A%A4%ED%8A%9C%EB%94%94%EC%98%A4
  51. https://www.etnews.com/200612150046
  52. http://pic.n63.com/pic/?album=/KTz_vooz&image=z_n63.com_se_f_f_f_o_o_ll.jpg& (The wallpaper notes and copyrights the characters as being from 1996)
  53. https://blog.naver.com/dreamnoni/70033117008
  54. https://web.archive.org/web/20010413103855/http://www.postnut.com/gisa/data/51/cha.htm
  55. https://branddb.wipo.int/en/brand/KR502000410018278
  56. https://web.archive.org/web/20230720034458/https://www.vooz.co.kr/en/img/include/menu_character_doriboogy.gif
  57. 57.0 57.1 https://web.archive.org/web/20051219130657/http://binling.com/down/vooico.zip
  58. https://web.archive.org/web/20051219130632/http://binling.com:80/down/voows.zip
  59. https://web.archive.org/web/20070101221013/http://www.siamcomic.com/downloads/downloadlist.php?dlTypeID=8
  60. https://www.etnews.com/200507140012

