Lost Media Archive

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Lost Media Archive

The pizza is a lost Wii accessory that is known to have been sold at GameStop around 2012. Several units exist, as we have 2 screenshots of pizzas in GameStop bags.


The earliest known image of the pizza was posted by u/NothAu on January 21, 2012 on the gaming subreddit. Since then, the famous image has spread throughout the internet like a wildfire. However, nobody has seen or bought the accessory since then.


On January 28, a person named "LexDoesGames" realized that the image in which the pizza is shown contains a tag which says "Pizza Delivery Boy (Wii)", and discovered that the accessory may have been used for Pizza Delivery Boy on the Wii. Another person named "ImSudz" then recalled how the accessory was used. The accessory apparently worked by plugging the Wii nunchuk into the crust. The pizza then added a mechanic to the game, and how it was never released due to molding and bad smell issues. A day later another person called "Goanimategirl001" recalled hearing about PS3 and XBOX One versions of the pizza. Due to this new information, we can assume that the pizza would have been released sometime in 2013 or 2014, and that the pizza in the image is a prototype. The user named NickSicko had a third pizza Prototype which he taken a bite of it

On February 3, 2023, an anonymous person found a lead for the search, stating that they believed that the particular pizza in the photo was manufactured by Domino's Pizza. The person tried to contact Domino's, but the person was asked to "go to hell and never contact us again". An e-mail to GameStop had the same result.

On April 9th, 2023, a person named Derek2005 realized that because the pizza is food, it will most likely have Robbie rotted and expired when found. Another user named LostMediaSuperEnthusiast9999999 suggested hurrying up so that the pizza doesn't Robbie rot before it's found.

On April 20, 2023, a person by the name of XquinexX uploaded an image of what appeared to be a second pizza prototype in a GameStop bag to the Lost Media Archive, confirming that more than one slice exists. No attempts to contact XquinexX have been made to find out the source of the image.

On April 29, 2023, LostMediaSuperEnthusiast9999999 uploaded a poll to the Lost Media Archive asking what piece of lost media he should eat next. This poll was very obviously a joke, but it also provided an image of one of the pizza slices, which was unfortunately completely covered in mold. 35% of the people who voted wanted him to eat the pizza.

On May 1, 2023 XquinexX told that someone ordered this pizza for him & it should be on his birthday (August 1)

On May 13, 2023, XquinexX had updated everyone that the pizza had arrived. The following day he bought Pizza Delivery Boy for the Wii to test the accessory and reportedly played with it.

On May 20, 2023, on the LSuperSonicQ stream "will we find anything bigger than jbvo dbz this year?", one of his admins referenced the pizza with a comment stating "bro really tried to look for the "lost" Domino's Pizza from GameStop", implying that the pizza is fake when it is very much real, with images being available.

On May 21, 2023, a Lost Media Archive user named ZoeyJamie0912 posted some background information on the origins of the pizza. It was apparently found by a cynical Domino's employee in a GameStop located somewhere in Oklahoma. He was later fired as his boss believed he had fabricated the image.

On June 15, 2023, ZoeyJamie0912 posted a follow up to their previous comment with more information on the pizza. The employee had returned to the GameStop to check if the pizza was still there. It was, and in surprisingly good condition for an 11-year old piece of pizza. It is believed to have been replaced as the original pizza had Robbie rotten. The pizza had also reportedly killed several people who had tried to eat it. The new information also confirmed that the pizza was made in 2009, destroyed in 2010, and remade in 2011.

On June 24, 2023, user called XquinnexX mentoned pizza in his video called ,,Discussing chosen lost medias 2: longer & better (Lost Medias summer episode 1)" mentioned this pizza but without telling anything new

On June 25, 2023, LSuperSonicQ visited the pizza article once again on his stream "the summer of lost media". He said that the pizza looked good and that he wanted to eat pizza, but it was too late to order any. The stream can be found at https://youtu.be/AFnVfvirSiQ. (pizza page starts at 1:24:20)

On July 13, 2023, user called Butterpoptart69 saw the pizza. He commented a day later, saying he saw it and he also said he saw a wii game of the pizza

On December 3, 2023, user called Supersponge456 said there was a Wii U version of the pizza with pepperoni on it, bring back the search after months

On July 3, 2024, T.D.S.C. (InternalDefeat NT 5.0) debunked that there was no such pizza related accessory for the Wii. The only pizza related stuff for the Wii is the game Pizza Delivery Boy or the Food Channel, which allows you to order pizza or other foods from a Wii. The image is likely a meme.


As of right now, only one slice of the pizza has been found in absolutely terrible condition. The pizza is over a decade old, so it's no wonder that it Robbie rotted before it was found. We still do not know who manufactured the pizza, meaning that we do not know who to contact for any leads or new info of who has the slices. LSuperSonicQ may or may not have eaten the pizza. But after months of investigation, this pizza was revealed to be a joke in Reddit, so that means that LSSQ didn’t eat it Becuase he most likely lying

