From 2006-2012, Cartoonito Aired a British Dub of the first Two seasons of the show "Pororo The Little Penguin" While The entire first Season of the dub is available in a compilation video, the Second Season is lost, We only know that it existed at one point, while there is a Compilation of The entire Second Season from The same user, It uses The US dub, while in 2008-2009, CiTV also aired a British dub as well.
UK Cast[]
- Maria Darling as Pororo
- Gillie Robic as Crong and Petty
- Jo Wyatt as Loopy
- Emma Tate as Eddy
- Keith Wickham as Poby
- Melvyn Hayes as Harry
- Jay Simon as Rody
- Bailey Pepper
- John Hasler as the narrator