Rainbow Across the Pacific (Taiheiyou ni Kakeru Niji in Japanese) is an episode of the Japanese, anime, original video animation, family, anthology series, Daisaku Ikeda's Children's Stories. This particular episode is a drama and as with each of the other, one-off episodes, it is based on a children's book by Daisaku Ikeda. The screenplay was co-written by Tadahiro Shimafuji and Yugo Serikawa. Production was by Toei Animation.
A schoolgirl named Mitsuko comes to the defense of a half-Chinese, transfer student named Yu-Lian when the latter gets harassed by bullies. Later that night, Mitsuko happens to come upon an old, American doll named Emily. There is some history behind that, as back in 1921, Emily happened to be salvaged from the fate of being burned along with several, other dolls, thanks to Mitsuko's grandmother. The doll burning was the result of an anti-Western war and sentiment that was happening at the time. Mitsuko brings Emily to show-and-tell and explains to her classmates all about the meaning behind the doll while also giviing Yu-Lian encouragement.
While most of the series has been uploaded to Youtube and even has a channel of it with the episodes in a few languages, this one, for some reason, hasn't been included. It's currently not available in Japanese, English, nor in any other dubs on there and any, other, video site, and has yet to be recovered.