Roary the Racing Car is a British animated TV show. It was dubbed in Swedish as Rorri Racerbil, the same as in Danish and Norwegian. Currently, two full episodes have been found on the Internet, those are Roary's First Day (Rorris första dag) and Roary Sees Red (Rorri ser rött). However it is hard to come across as the theme song is uploaded a lot of times
Voice Cast[]
- Roary (Rorri): Benjamin Wahlgren
- Maxi: Henrik Blomqvist
- Tin Top (Plåtis): Roger Storm
- Drifter (Draken): Anders Forsslund
- Cici: Nanne Grönvall
- Plugger (Jerka) and Hellie (Helli): Anders Öjebo
- FB (Berka): Ola Forssmed
- Flash (Blixten) and Rusty (Rostis): Jakob Stadell
- Big Chris (Store Chris): Tommy Nilsson
- Marsha (Anna): Rakel Wärmländer
- Mr Carburettor (Herr Karburator): Ulf Brunnberg
- Farmer Green (Bonden Grön): Bert-Åke Varg
- Molecom (Mullblad): Staffan Hallerstam
- Dinkie: Anders Öjebo (although he does not speak)