SpongeBob SquarePants has a lot of international dubs.
Two really obscure dubs are the Kurdish and Zaza dubs. The dubs aired on a channel called Zarok TV in both languages. In Kurdish the show's name is: Sifinc Bob while in Zaza it was called Bob Sünger.
The description of the show on the Zarok TV page:
Kurdish: "Sifinc Bob û hevalên wî Patrick, Squiward, Kewjal, Sandy û Plankton bi hev re di nav okyanûsa mezin de, li bajarokê Bîkîniyê ku di bin girava Bîkîniyê de ye, dijîn. Ka werin em jî tevlî macerayên wan bibin!"
Zaza: "Sifinc Bob û embazê ey Patrick, Squiward, Kewjal, Sandy û Plankton pîya mîyanê okyanûsa pîle de, qezaya Bîkînîye ke binê girawa Bîkînîye de ya, ciwîyenê. De bêrê ma zî bikewîme mîyanê macerayanê înan!:
In the first season, the theme song had Zaza voice over the Kurdish audio. However, in 2017, all episodes in the 2nd and 3rd season were redubbed and no longer voiced over the Kurdish version.
And that's everything about these two dubs, however if you own any kind of links or have a full episode send a link in the comments of this post.