The Backyardigans is an American-Canadian computer-animated television series that aired on Nickelodeon and Nick Jr. in the USA from 2004 to 2013. Like many other Nick Jr. shows, such as Oswald, Wonder Pets!, Blue's Clues, and Yo Gabba Gabba!, it was redubbed for the British and Irish market in an effort to not confuse children on pronunciation. It aired on Nick Jr. from 5 September 2005 with reruns until 19 December 2014. Lizzie Waterworth (Uniqua and Austin), Janet James (Pablo), Maria Darling and Emma Tate (Tasha and Tyrone) are believed to be the voice actors for the protagonists of the show. It is also on Dutch DVDs (credits only), German and Swedish DVDs (not the German JustBridge releases), Dutch Netflix and on RTL Telekids via SAP
Voice Actors[]
- Lizzie Waterworth - Uniqua and Austin
- Janet James - Pablo
- Maria Darling (S1-2) and Emma Tate (S3-4) - Tyrone and Tasha
Found Episodes[]
- Pirate Treasure
- Polka Palace Party
- Surf's Up!
- Race Around The World
- The Quest For The Flying Rock
- Race To The Tower Of Power
- Eureka!
- The Legend Of The Volcano Sisters
- A Giant Problem
- Movers Of Arabia
- Special Delivery
- The Secret Of Snow
- Cops and Robots
- Sinbad Sails Alone
- Save The Day!
- Catch That Butterfly
- What's Bugging You?
- To The Center Of The Earth
- Ranch Hands From Outer Space
- Chichen-Itza Pizza
- Who Goes There?
- Front Page News
- Blazing Puddles
- Le Master Of Disguise
- Match On Mt. Olympus
- The Great Dolphin Race
- Fly Girl
- The Two Musketeers
- Caveman's Best Friend
- Garbage Trek
- Escape From Fairytale Village
- Pirate Camp
- Robin Hood The Clean
- International Super Spy Parts 1&2
- The Yeti
- It's Great To Be A Ghost
- Secret Mission
Lost Episodes[]
- The Heart of the Jungle
- The Snow Fort
- Riding The Range
- The Key To The Nile
- Knights Are Brave And Strong
- Viking Voyage
- Castaways
- Monster Detectives
- Cave Party
- High Tea
- News Flash
- The Masked Retriever
- Tale Of The Mighty Knights Part 2
- P.F Tale Of The Mighty Knights Part 1