The Backyardigans is a American-Canadian computer-animated musical preschool television series created by Janice Burgess. The series was written and recorded at Nickelodeon Animation Studio and produced by Toronto-based company. The show focuses on a group of five anthropomorphic best friends who use their imaginations to embark on fantastic adventures in their shared backyard. Each episode is set to a different musical genre and features at least four songs, composed by music director Evan Lurie with lyrics by McPaul Smith. The songs are performed by the characters with original dance choreography.
There is an Italian dub called "Gli Zonzoli" (Also shorted as "Zonzoli") that aired on Nickelodeon in 1 November 2005 to 2013 and on Nick Jr. in 2009 to 2013 and Nick Jr +1 in 2011 to 2013. All episodes are broadcasted in a PAL pitch but their air dates are all unknown along with the title cards (but some are known).
There were no DVDs and Home Medias in Italy, so it can be really hard to find in Italy (Expect on Youtube). It can be found on some German and Swedish DVDs. So far only 12 episodes are found on YouTube.
The episodes are uploaded by MAURIZIO PIOLATTO. his channel, while some other episodes are found here (but still has the same episodes):
EDIT 24/05/23 7:27AM: the MAURIZIO PIOLATTO channel was taken down. Only the first season and the SEASON 2 INTRO have been found.
Found episodes[]
Season 1 (Found)[]
The complete first season has been uploaded on Samsung TV Plus Italia. But only 3 episodes are on-demand.
However, one episode was uploaded on YouTube in 2 parts: CAVALCANDO NELLA PRATERIA (Riding the Range) Part one / Part two
Season 2 (Lost)[]
Only the THEME SONG has been found.
Season 3 (Lost)[]
As of now, nothing has been found.
UPDATE 27/05/2023 = A little part of the episode 46 (Chicken Itza Pizza) was been uploaded on YouTube. The video
Season 4 (Lost)[]
Only the THEME SONG has been found.
Voice cast[]
- Dubbing Studio: Multimedia Network
- Directrice: Monica Ward
- Pablo - Barbara Pitotti
- Tyrone - Alessio De Filippis
- Tasha - Antonella Baldini
- Uniqua - Ilaria Latini
- Austin - Laura Latini