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TBLT Worthless Icelandic (TV)

The TV dub version of Worthless.

The Brave Little Toaster needs little-to-no introduction. It, despite being a kids' movie, has various dark themes.

It was dubbed multiple times in some languages, including Icelandic. While the Icelandic VHS dub was discovered and uploaded to YouTube, the Icelandic TV dub is lost. The only thing remaining of the dub is the dub of Worthless.

The Icelandic title of the mentioned first dub is called Heimilistæki í húsbóndalei. It was broadcast on TV RÚV on 25 February 1993 as you can read in archived Icelandic newspaper[1].

In 2023 an English-Polish YouTube creator Halloween_Dark_Dreams, in a collaboration with his friend Maciek Adamczyk, made an lyrics video for the song, both in Icelandic and English[2]. Here are the lyrics:

Svona álag ekki þoli lengur. (I can't take this kind of stress anymore.)

Ég vildi að ég gæti um vegina hratt, (I wish I could travel the roads fast,)

um veröld brunað glatt. (travel the world happily.)

Ónýtur ert. (You’re useless.)

Ég komst bara ekki einu skrefi lengra. (I just couldn't get one step further.)

*Mér óar við þessum ógnarhraða, (I fear this terrifying speed,)

allt hið gamla er horfið nú. (all the old is gone now.)

Úrelt! (Obsolete!)

Og við því er ekkert að gera. (And there is nothing to be done about it.)

Úrelt! (Obsolete!)

Fyrirgefið. Ég er búinn að fá nóg. (Sorry. I've had enough.)

Úrelt! Úrelt! Úrelt! (Obsolete! Obsolete! Obsolete!)

Ég var fínasta tryllitæki. (I was the best performance car.)

Um vegina æddi, vindur og næddi. (On the roads there was excitement, wind and pleasure.)

Ég var eins og glæsibíll. (I was like a luxury car.)

Í Norðfjarðar nýr var ég keyptur. (I was bought new in Norðfjörður.)

Ég var bónaður blítt, blessaður títt (I was serviced gently, blessed often)

og ég brunaði sveitirnar vítt. (and I rushed (through) the countryside wide.)

Ónýtur ert! (You’re useless.)

Ég lengi í kvartmílu keppti. (I long for quarter mile racing.)

Ég var sigri nær, svaka fær (I was closer to victory, very capable)

og síðastur aldrei í mark. (and never last at the finish line.)

Í hrifningu hrópað var að mér. (I was shouted at in excitement.)

Ég var fremstur í flokki, frábær hnokki. (I was at the front of the class, an excellent lad.)

Mín beið allstaðar frami og frægð. (I was waiting everywhere for fame and fortune.)

Í brúðkaupi ók ég ungun hjónum, (I drove a young couple at a wedding,)

í brúðkaupi ók ég ungun hjónum. (I drove a young couple at a wedding.)

Hnýttu í skónum, hrúga af grjónum á hveitibrauðsdaga ferð. (Tie your shoes, a pile of groats on a wheat bread days trip.)

Til grafar ég ók gömlu fólki. (I drove old people to the grave.)

Gæddur virðugleika, glæstur með rós bleika, (Endowed with dignity, resplendent with rose pink,)

til grafreitsins í síðustu ferð. (to the graveyard on the last trip.)

Ónýtur ert! (You’re useless.)

Blómafólk og Bítlar mér óku. (Hippies and the Beatles drove me.)

Blómin útsprungu og Bítlarnir sungu (The flowers bloomed and the Beatles sang)

og blíðan þar ríkjandi var. (and the gentleness reigned there.)

Þau horfðu á sólina setjast, (They watched the sun set,)

þau horfðu á sólina setjast. (they watched the sun set.)

Þetta draumóralið með draum um frið (This dream team with a dream of peace)

og dýrðar tíma um heim. (and glorious times around the world.)

Um þjóðvegina þutum áður! (We used to rush on the highways!)

Út um sveitina ók ég. (I drove around the countryside.)

Á strætó mér skyggn var, skeggið nú enn þar (My keen of sight was on a bus, the beard is still there)

og bíllinn sem ég bjargaði flótt. (and the car that I quickly rescued.)

Fyrr var nú öldin önnur, (Earlier was a different century than now,)

ábyrgðin ók, allan mig skók, (the responsibility drove, (it) shook me all over,)

þegar krakkarnir klifruðu um borð. (when the kids climbed aboard.)

Við erum úrelt! (We are useless!)

*A grammatical error, it should be „Mig óar”
