The Buzz On Maggie (Maggie, una mosca con onda in spanish), was a Canadian-American cartoon produced by Disney Television Animation & Bardel Entertainment, along side with Teacher's Pet, this is one of the most forgotten show in Disney Channel.
In late 2005, the show was dubbed by Estudio Candiani, but the abruptly cancellation of the show and the lack of promotion by the channel made the dub lost.
It's unknown if the show will come to Disney+...
Media Found:[]
A bumper with many scenes of Rayna in spanish (including the logo of the show in spanish)
was found by Telearchivos in Youtube, however his account was recently takedown by unknown reasons (possibly copyright), miraculously another user reuploaded the bumper.
Spanish Cast:[]
Maggie Pesky: Jessica Ortiz
Pupert Pesky: Luis Daniel Ramírez
Aldrin Pesky: Arturo Mercado Jr.
Sr Jonesy Pesky: Arturo Mercado
Frida Pesky: María Santander
Rayna: Erica Edwards
Dawn: Gaby Ugarte