The Fox Cubhouse was a preschool anthology series aired from October 3, 1994 through April 19, 1996 on Fox Kids. The series revolved around a woman named Rosie (who was replaced by a girl named Sunny in 1995), her pet dinosaur Silbert, bird Fogel, fox Cammy, mailbox Mailvin and the kids that would come to her clubhouse. The program would also showcase several children's shows. A copyright encyclopedia displays some of the episode names, and in some cases, gives the name of the show aired during the episode. All that can be found of the show are two promos, an instrumental of the closing song (which was deleted), a logo and a screencap from the show, and a Fox Kids magazine story, as well as the shows that aired in the block themselves (excluding Rimba's Island and Magic Adventures of Mumfie) the two exceptions mentioned above. According to, the show had 130 episodes. Unfortunately, they won't be released on DVD or VHS due to rights issues. On September 27, 2019, YouTuber Joseph Marshall has uploaded the compilation of the first season, which was removed due to his account termination.
Theme song lyrics[]
Come on in, we all belong
We can learn a thing or two or maybe sing a song
See what's going on around the world
There's so much to do, with a friend like you
It's my place, your place, put a smile on your face, visit the cubhouse.
Fox Cubhouse!
The Fox Cubhouse!
The Goodbye song lyrics[]
It's great to spend the day together with all your cubhouse friends.
Goodbye for now, but don't forget. Soon, we'll be together again.
Known episodes from the Rosie season (1994-95)[]
1. October 3, 1994: The Race (contains The Animal Show with Stinky and Jake episode "Cheetah and Gazelle")
2. October 4, 1994: Friends (featuring the Johnson and Friends episodes "Beginnings" and "Under the Bed")
3. October 5, 1994: Fruit Punch (featuring Rimba's Island)
4. October 6, 1994: Together, We Can Do Anything (featuring the Johnson and Friends episodes "Best of Friends" and "The Thing Outside")
5. October 7, 1994: Cammyflage (contains The Animal Show with Stinky and Jake episode "Crocodile and Armadillo")
6. October 10, 1994: The Letter (contains The Animal Show with Stinky and Jake episode "Dolphin and Fruit Bat")
7. October 11, 1994: Taking Turns (contains the Johnson and Friends episodes "Helpless" and "Moving House")
10. October 14, 1994: Let's Get Some Sleep (contains The Animal Show with Stinky and Jake episode "Koala and Ostrich")
11. October 17, 1994: We Are Animals Too (contains The Animal Show with Stinky and Jake episode "Aardvark and Chameleon")
12. October 18, 1994: I Need a Little Help (featuring the Johnson and Friends episodes "Playing Games" and "Sharing")
13. October 19, 1994 Tea Party (featuring Rimba's Island)
14. October 20, 1994: Clean Up (featuring the Johnson and Friends episodes "The Picnic" and "Cleaning Day")
15. October 21, 1994: Cows (featuring The Animal Show with Stinky and Jake episode "Elephant and Hunting Dog")
16. October 24, 1994: Painting (featuring The Animal Show with Stinky and Jake episode "Lion and Zebra")
17. October 25, 1994: Home is Where You Live (featuring the Johnson and Friends episodes "Homeless" and "Battle of the Bed")
18. October 26, 1994: I'm Learning Everyday (featuring Rimba's Island)
19. October 27, 1994: Hurt Teddy (featuring the Johnson and Friends episodes "The Toy Orchestra" and "Operation Squeaky")
20. October 28, 1994: The North Star (contains The Animal Show with Stinky and Jake episode "Rattlesnake and Skunk")
21. October 31, 1994 (contains The Animal Show with Stinky and Jake episode "Wildebeest and Turtle")
22. November 1, 1994: Mailvin Raps (featuring the Johnson and Friends episodes "Crying Wolf" and "Being Good")
23. November 2, 1994: Fogel's Music (featuring Rimba's Island)
24. November 3, 1994: Make Believe (featuring Johnson and Friends)
25. November 4, 1994: Hop, Swim, Fly (featuring The Animal Show With Stinky and Jake episode "Kangaroo and Frog")
26. November 7, 1994: We're Different (contains The Animal Show with Stinky and Jake episode "Rhino and Gorilla")
27. November 8, 1994: Sherlock Silbert (featuring Johnson and Friends)
28. November 9, 1994: Tears (featuring Rimba's Island)
29. November 10, 1994: The Band (featuring Johnson and Friends)
30. November 11, 1994: Gadzooky (contains The Animal Show with Stinky and Jake episode "Sea Otter and Vulture")
31. November 14, 1994: Yummy Food (contains The Animal Show with Stinky and Jake episode "Owl and Octopus")
32. November 15, 1994: It's Your Birthday (featuring the Johnson and Friends episodes "Birthday Party" and "The Concert")
34. November 17, 1994: The Ghost (featuring Johnson and Friends)
35. November 18, 1994: Abra Can Cram (featuring The Animal Show with Stinky and Jake episode "Penguin and Kiwi")
36. November 21, 1994: Friends (featuring The Animal Show With Stinky and Jake episode "Giraffe and Sloth")
38. November 23, 1994: Safety (featuring Rimba's Island)
39. November 24, 1994: Nature Scout (featuring Johnson and Friends)
40. November 25, 1994: Listen to the Animals (featuring The Animal Show with Stinky and Jake episode "Tiger and Tiger Beetle")
41. November 28, 1994: So Sorry (featuring The Animal Show With Stinky and Jake episode "Raccoon and Polar Bear")
42. November 29, 1994: Make Believe (featuring Johnson and Friends)
43. November 30, 1994: Lost (featuring Rimba's Island)
44. December 1, 1994: Mail Order (featuring Johnson and Friends)
45. December 2, 1994: Home is the Place To Be (featuring The Animal Show With Stinky and Jake episode "Beaver and Spider")
46. December 5, 1994: Cock-A-Doodle-Do (featuring The Animal Show with Stinky and Jake episode "Wolf and Baboon")
49. December 8, 1994: Share, Share, Share (featuring Johnson and Friends)
50. December 9, 1994: The Seashell (contains The Animal Show with Stinky and Jake episode "Shark and Sea Lion")
51. Yummy Food
52. February 7, 1995: We Are All The Colors Of The Rainbow (featuring Johnson and Friends)
53. Why?
56. February 20, 1995: Twinkle, Twinkle
57. February 21, 1995: Let's Get Some Sleep (featuring Johnson and Friends)
59. Tuxedo
60. Mail
62. The Mop
63. February 22, 1995: Hugs (featuring Rimba's Island)
65. Colors
67. Exit All
68. Three
70. Lunchtime
71. Bugs
74. Food
75. Silbert's Dinner
77. Secret Plot
78. Alone
Known episodes of the Sunny season (1995-96)[]
September 11, 1995: We Are Family (featuring The Animal Show with Stinky and Jake)
September 15, 1995: The Burning Bundt (featuring The Animal Show with Stinky and Jake)
September 18, 1995: Runaway Rubadub (featuring The Animal Show with Stinky and Jake)
September 22, 1995: And The Leader Is... (featuring The Animal Show with Stinky and Jake)
September 25, 1995: Fracula (featuring The Animal Show with Stinky and Jake)
September 28, 1995: Fore!
September 29, 1995: Life is Like an Ice Cream Bar (featuring The Animal Show with Stinky and Jake)
November 6, 1995: Cry Wolf (featuring The Animal Show with Stinky and Jake)
November 10, 1995: Apple Pie (featuring The Animal Show with Stinky and Jake)
November 17, 1995: Babaloo Bongos (featuring The Animal Show with Stinky and Jake)
November 27, 1995: Families (featuring The Animal Show with Stinky and Jake)
November 28, 1995: Bugs and Boats On The Bottom (featuring the Magic Adventures of Mumfie episode "Foe Or Friend?")
November 30, 1995: I Found It
December 1, 1995: Showdown at the OK Cubhouse (featuring The Animal Show with Stinky and Jake)
December 5, 1995: No Drum Roll (featuring the Johnson and Friends episode "The Toy Orchestra" and Magic Adventures of Mumfie episode "A Treasure Beyond Price")
December 7, 1995: Baby Blues
December 14, 1995: Mr. Pillow
January 25, 1996: The Secret
Feburary 5, 1996: Case of the Chopped Greens (featuring The Animal Show with Stinky and Jake)
Feburary 19, 1996: Where Unicorns Roam (featuring The Animal Show with Stinky and Jake)
The Balloonatic
The Swap
Grape-Berry Picnic
The Thinker
A Nice Piece Of Fruit
Digging For The Truth
Tin Star
Where Rhinos Fear To Tread
Silly Sharing
A Fine Day For Croquet
Eyes Are The Windows
If It Quacks Like A Duck
Heads Or Tails
The Groups We Live In
Message In A Bottle
The Actor's Life
Fun Is Where The Fox Is
Spice Of Life
Dinosaur Tracks; Melissa's Dinosaur
A Tree In The House
A Tattle Tale
Masquerade; Charade
The Big Win
A Song For Babs
A Letter A Day
Sssizzzling Snakes!
Good-Bye, Dolly
Waiting For A Friend
Strong Man Freddie
The Dental Appointmnet
Something In The Way He Moves
Unknown season[]
- The Big Surprise
- Finder's Keepers
- Hurricane Freddie
- Bill Needs a Vacation
- Where's Bill?
- Diesel's Taxi
- Train Conductor
- Holey Pockets, Batman
- Be A Clown
- Warning!!!