The Legend of Zelda is an American animated series based on the Japanese video game series The Legend of Zelda by Nintendo. The plot follows the adventures of Link and Princess Zelda as they defend the kingdom of Hyrule from an evil wizard named Ganon. The series is heavily based on the first game of the Zelda series, The Legend of Zelda, but includes some references to the second, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, a sequel to both games' events. The show was produced by DIC Enterprises and distributed by Viacom Enterprises in association with Nintendo of America, Inc. It comprises thirteen episodes which first aired in North America from September 8, 1989, to December 1, 1989.
In Brazil, the series premiered in 1991 on Rede Globo in the children's program Xou da Xuxa, having debuted on the channel alongside Super Mario Bros. Super Show! (apparently both series were broadcast separately). Unlike Mario's cartoons The Legend of Zelda did not gain an audience on the channel (mainly because the franchise was not yet popular in the country at that time) and stayed on the air until around 1992.
Since its last broadcast by Globo, the cartoon never returned on any other TV channel, becoming not only lost, but also making many believe that the show never aired in Brazil and that the Brazilian dub did not exist, until in 2017 a commercial of Xou da Xuxa was found announcing the debut of The Legend of Zelda in 1991 confirming the existence of the Brazilian dub:
At the end of 2018 episodes with the Brazilian dub began to be found, part of them were published on the channel rpioveza in September 2018 publishing videos containing only audios. These audios were later remastered and inserted into videos in 2019 by the channels Dublagens Perdidas and Thuthumerdinha (currently known as MaxwelThuThu) that also managed to find a few more episodes through rare VHSs with episodes of both The Legend of Zelda and Super Mario Bros. Super Show! (some found in Portugal). However, not all episodes were found, and half of the opening and part of the first seconds of some episodes (5 and 8) are missing.
Currently only 3 episodes are lost: Doppelganger, Stinging a Stinger and Hitch in the Works.
Update: Maxwell ThuThu, Nintendo Fan and others are searching for cartoon episodes from the Nintendo series with Portuguese dubs: Sheet with found episodes:
Found Episodes[]
- 1-The Ringer (Em Busca Da Pirâmide)
- 2-Cold Spells (Surto De Gripe)
- 3-The White Knight (O Caveleiro Branco)
- 4-Kiss'N Tell (Link E O Beijo)
- 5-Sing for the Unicorn (The first seconds of the episode are missing) (O Unicórnio Voador)
- 6-That Sinking Feeling (O Novo Brinquedo)
- 8-Underworld Connections (The first minutes of the episode are missing) (Conexões do Mundo Subterrâneo)
- 11-Fairies in the Spring (Parque Aquático)
- 12-The Missing Link (O Elo Perdido)
- 13-The Moblins Are Revolting (A Revolta)