The Let's Go Show was a children's programming block that aired on preschool channel Sprout (now Universal Kids) from June 25th, 2007 to September 18th, 2008, initially from 3PM to 6PM ET, The show focused on human host Miles (Milton Barnes) and a pink dog puppet named Banjo (Ali J. Eisner), who would drive Carla, a cardboard car, to different places while encouraging the viewers to ask questions to get them there, singing songs at Music Hill, doing kid-friendly science experiments at Wonder Why Valley, and preparing meals at the Sprout Diner Café along the way. The show had two seasons, which ran in 2007 and 2008 respectively, and dissolved in September 2008, when a weekend version of The Sunny Side Up Show premiered, bringing Sprout's first long-length original series, Noodle and Doodle, along with it.
The show has had thirty confirmed episodes, all of which are listed on Google. Composer Tim Burns' ASCAP account mentions there being episodes about the beach, baseball, a parade, the wild west, and a slumber party, none of which are on Google, so it is unlikely that they exist.
Availability online[]
Much, if not most, of the series is considered lost media.
Clips from show were available on the Sprout Player app, which launched in 2007. The app shut down circa 2008, and it is unknown if anyone still has it. The show probably also had its own iTunes podcast, and songs were available on said app, as well as (Sprout's official website), which also had video clips.
The music video, of the song "Safari SoGoody," from the show's first episode, "Safari" was uploaded to YouTube by eatonuniverse. Fellow YouTube channel Playtime, All the Time: CBeebies Utopia has the music video of "To the Moon," from the following episode, "The Moon," which was originally uploaded to Facebook by crew member John Conning. Conning also has a behind-the-scenes video of the season 1 episodes "Concert" and "Fiesta," both of which feature Nina from The Good Night Show, played by Michele Lepe.
A snippet from the season 2 episode "Library" can be seen at the end of one of YouTuber Any Del's Sesame Street videos.