- The Mountain Goats are an indie band formed in 1991. Since then, they have had a lot of songs. However, some of these songs are unreleased and hard to find. Some are even lost. A list of some unreleased songs:
- 15-2 (only played once in 1992 on KUCI radio.)
- History of the Church (Part 1) (only played on December 6, 1992 at Munchie's, which is in Pomona, California)
- Rockin' Rockin' Pet Store (played twice in 1992, once in 1995 and then once in 2004.)
- The Moon Song (played twice in 1992 and once in 1995.)
- The Moon (not to be confused with The Moon Song) (played on September 21, 1995 in Chicago and October 10, 1998 in St Louis, Missouri.
- Wishing the House Would Crash (played 4/20/1995 in Brussels, Belgium.)
- In The Cane Fields (dates played: 7/18/1992, 12/12/1992 and 4/4/2009)
The Mountain Goats Unreleased Songs (1990s-Present)