The Pirates! In an Adventure with Cowboys is a cancelled stop-motion animated film produced by british studio Aardman Animations and American studios Columbia Pictures and Sony Pictures Animation, it is a sequel to the 2012 film The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists (Band of Misfits), which is also based on Gideon Defoe's Book Series The Pirates!,
The Sequel[]
in August 2011, Aardman had been already working on a sequel idea, and by June 2012, a story had been prepared, awaiting Sony to back the project. Eventually, Sony decided not to support the project due to insufficient international earnings. According to director Peter Lord, "it got close, but not quite close enough. I was all fired up for doing more. It was such fun to do! We actually have a poster for The Pirates! In an Adventure with Cowboys!. That would have been just great."
Lost Poster[]
The Poster has never been shown publicly and still remains lost to this day