Wheel Squad is a 2000 French, sport, action, adventure, comedy, drama, animated, television series. The creator is Olivier Dehors. Co-production is by France Animation, Rai Fiction, Praxinos Animation, Energee Entertainment, and M6, which also aired this in France. It ran for a couple seasons with a total of 39 episodes. An English dub of this premiered in the U.S. in 2001 a few months after its French airings.
A diverse group of four friends and prodigies (Akim, Bob, Jessica, and Johnny) enjoy spending some of their free time doing extreme sports together and they make up a team known as the Wheel Squad. Their vicinity is on a hill in a dark metropolis and they often have to defend their streets from the chaos caused by various adversaries, such as the bandit biker threesome known as the Snakes, the greedy Enzo, and Mr. Rotter, who owns a rich company called World Mart. Emilie, who happens to be Mr. Rotter's daughter and Bob's girlfriend, is the Wheel Squad's ally and aspires to join their team.
- Hands Off My Brother! (lost)
- A Rolling Birthday (lost)
- Seeing Is Believing (lost)
- A High-Flying Match (lost)
- Love On The Rocks (lost)
- Nobody Loves Me (lost)
- Water, Water Everywhere (lost)
- Brutus Has Gone (lost)
- Hero for a Day (lost)
- The Rebel (lost)
- In Gear for the School Year (lost)
- Squab's Deadline (lost)
- A Lesson in Courage (lost)
- A Leading Role (lost)
- Food For Thought (lost)
- The Missing Lottery Ticket (lost)
- One Great Girl (lost)
- School Colours (lost)
- The Guardian Angels (lost)
- Stay on Track (lost)
- The Big Break-In (lost)
- The Champion (lost)
- Chill Out On The Butte (lost)
- A Snowy Homecoming (lost)
- Beauty on Wheels (lost)
- A Dad for Jessica (lost)
- SOS Snakes (lost)
- Father's Day Race (lost)
- Stubborn As a Mule (lost)
- Orangutan-Tang-Tang (lost)
- A Tike, A Trike, A Fight (lost)
- Operation Cinderella (lost)
- Love on the Ice (lost)
- Phantom of the Butte (lost)
- Close Call (lost)
- Emilie's Big Bash (lost)
- Valentine (lost)
- Hoa (lost)
- On Your Skates! Get Set! Go! (lost)
The whole series is available on Youtube in French, as are the last 10 or 11 episodes in the same language on Dailymotion. But the English dub has yet to appear there and any other video site.