Wilf the Witch's Dog is a 2002 British adventure fantasy preschool children's family animated cartoon television series. It is based on the book series of the same title by Frank Rodgers. Production was by Cinecartoon, Ravensburger Film and TV, Red Kite Animations and Skryptionite co-produced with Jade Animation. It ran in 26 episodes.
A dog named Wilf is the pet of a witch named Weenie and he is the first of his species to be owned by witch. He assists her in conjuring magic spells and to improve on her sorcery skills. Wilf sets out to prove that it doesn't matter what animal one is, whether a cat, rat, toad or hairy spider, that any animal can be a witch's pet as long as one is loyal and useful.
While most of the series is available to watch online, 26 episodes are still used, 6 to be exact, especially in British English. They are: "Too Many Wilfs", "The Broomstick Bus Experiment", "Lie on Legs", "Magic Cards", "Camping in the Magic Forest" and "Secret Admirers".