Wizz Wizz World was a small YouTube series created by the user, Wizz Wizz. If you're familiar with Freedom! Island at all, the show is pretty similar to that, being a competition show, blending together both object and human characters. The show had at least 7 episodes before being removed or privated off YouTube. The show had 32 contestants, with the host of the show being the creator, Wizz Wizz.
All of the contestants for this show are-
Moon, Siptap, Quintus, Hackpro, Big Bee, Sand, Whip, Anakin, Kool Aid Man, Doge, Tony the Tiger, Brightside, Vine, Stairs, Pole, Chair, Tank, Thomas, Code Z, Goopy, Toby, Military, Various Fortnite Characters, Super Smash Bros Brawl Character Select Screen, Kirb, Windows XP, Teddy Bear, Laughing Emoji, Logan Paul, Angry Emoji, Tantasaur, [Object], Sonwbal, Bowsnall, Sheep, Luke, and Onion.
The only proof of this show existing on the internet right now is this fan made intro from 2019, made to celebrate the shows one year anniversary. https://youtu.be/1MbIU8CtWbA